4• The Castle

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" I'm sorry, Mi. " Eren whispers, as we both walk to some office we were instructed to go too.

" Yeah, okay. " i glance at Eren, taking in his beaten down look. As much as I hate to say, I can't stand looking at him in such a state. It's discomforting.

Meeting the entrance of the building office, I gently turn the Nob and open the door. I stride in alongside the practically crippled Eren and meet the eyes of Levi, Erwin and a girl with messy brown hair and glasses.

" HI! IM HANGE! " The girl grins, whipping out her hand for the two of us. Eren smiles back, shaking her hand despite the obvious pain it causes him while I remain hesitant, my eyes choosing not to meet her crazed ones.

" AW! Your poor baby! " Hange pulls Eren away from me, seating him on a couch and immediately beginning first aid. I take the opportunity to settle down as well, sitting next to him.

" So, you're Mia right?" Hange asks, her gaze not moving from Erens now bandaged sounds. I nod, letting out a bored sigh.

I feel myself sink deeper in the couch, a sudden weight being added. I turn, meeting the eyes of Levi as he sits next to me, his arm draped across the top of the couch. We both fail to speak or leave each other's gaze but the smirk he had held previously fails to make a return.

" OH MY GOD! I've heard so much about you!"

I groan, Eren laughing along with my obvious annoyance. " Like what?"

" Well, you ranked first in your class! Mmm.. you don't have a very good streak with following orders — that's what most have said actually, rather peculiar for a new cadet!" I groan, it's not my fault they give me poor orders.

" Sounds very similar to this little shorty" Hange grins while Levi just glares, clicking his tongue.

" I am nothing like her, and even so, there's nothing worse than having an incompetent soldier."  My scowl falters, the acceleration he had caused my heart coming to a halt.

" And fix your shirt, Cadet."  I scoff, noticing my shirt and how I had chose to tie it up around my waist.

" Aww, is Mia distracting you, short stack? " Hange coos, Eren notably smiles as does Erwin at this but I on the other have to use all my strength to keep myself from flushing deeply.

" Shut up, four eyes. "

" All jokes aside, Eren, I would like to thank you for your cooperation during the trial.It made it run much smoother than expected.

And Mia, we're glad to have you in the scouts, Levi couldn't of picked a better person for it. " Erwin states, i turn towards Levi awaiting his validation of the statement, but when my eyes meet his, he merely looks away.

" So we can see more of Mia?! " Hange screams" Oh my— Can i call you Mi? Or what about Mi Moo?! Ah! That's adorable!" I shake my head, realizing how I would of much rather dealt with corn girl than this crazed girl.

" Just Mia. "

" Enough. We need to get to the castle before nightfall. " Levi interjects, as we all stand up following his lead towards the horses.

The Castle

" This sucks.."  I mutter, cleaning one of the room walls. When we arrived, Levi instructed us to clean this castle from top to bottom, now trust me, I resisted but Levi threatened he'd send me back to corps and well...corn girl resides there currently, so I have to pass.

Orders | Levi Ackerman Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora