40• Actions

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" Mia. " Hange says.

My eyes gape open, when I notice the fuming girl infront of me.

I take a step back, knocking into a still confused Armin. " Mia, can we please talk! " Eren continues, a hand falling on my shoulder.

This is not good.

I look to Mikasa for help, I can't face both of them alone. I'm not ready. Panic begins to brew in me, as I feel completely surrounded.

" So What you been up to? " Hange says, her lips forming a scowl.

" I- uh, I- " i try to respond, but nothing comes out. I'm not sure what to say.

" Mia, please ! " Eren begs.

I begin to feel overwhelmed, this is to much for me to handle right now. My breathing grows rigid, as I dart my head in every direction looking for an escape.

" Eren. " Mikasa scolds, pulling his arm off of me.

" No, I need to speak to her. " He retorts, but before he can go to grab me again , I dash off towards an opposing door.

" Mia! " I hear Hange yell after me, but I fail to care as I don't wish to die today.

I slam the door behind me, panting loudly. I sink to the floor, groaning.

Why did I have to go and fuck everything up..

I wrap my arms around my knees, shutting my eyes. I feel humiliated and just.. terrible.

"..Mia? " a voice calls. I glance in the direction of the voice, shuffling up off the floor.

" Hange, I- " but before I can say anything, I'm tackled to the ground.

" HOW COULD YOU?! " She yells, pinning my arms above my head. Usually, I'd be able to push her off me no problem but right now, I don't have the energy at all.


My eyes grow soft and hold the look of exhaust when I hear Hange say that. She's right, I did promise her. I promised I'd never hurt him, but here I lay in the dimmed hallway, sticking knives into the backs of everyone I love.

It's all my fault. I know that.

" I'm sorry. "

"YOU'RE SORRY?! MIA, HOW COULD YOU?!" She yells. She's repeating all the words to me that I've already thought and felt, but hearing them aloud.. hurts so much more than from the voice in my head.

She slams my arms against the ground, and I wince from the sudden impact.


I know, I'm sorry

My eyes turn glassy as hearing the pain I've caused him becomes to much to bare. Saying i never meant to hurt would be lie, I kissed Eren. I kissed him, and because of that, I lost Levi.

And now i face the consequences.


Tears begin pooling around my eyes, she's telling me the truth that no one was able to say aloud.

" And even now! That idiot still loves you. "  she raises my head and bangs it against the floor, but I ignore the pain, as the one brewing in my heart is far greater than the one in my head.

" I'm sorry. " I cry, as soft whimpers escape me.

" I'm so sorry, Hange. " Her eyes widen, as she takes notice of the tears now staining my cheeks.  " I'm sorry I hurt him.. " I wail.

" I was stupid and I don't why I did it, but I did.. and nothing can change that and I- " suddenly I'm cut off by a hard hand hitting my cheek.

Hange slapped me.

" Not ' was ' stupid, you are stupid. " She mocks. Her eyes glaring daggers at me.

" ... I thought you cared about him. " she adds, folding her arms.

" Hange, i do care ! I love him, It scares me how much I do. "  I choke back the sobs wishing to escape from me, I can't cry anymore. It's becoming to much to bare.

" Then what are you doing here ? "  I raise an eyebrow, unsure of what she means.

" Go to him, Mia. Don't lose him because you're to scared to tell him how you feel. "

.. problem is Hange, I have told him and he just doesn't care.

" I have told him. " I begin, " Over and over again but it doesn't work, he just doesn't care anymore.. " another hand hits me again, and I swear if I was in a better mood, I would've fed Hange to the titans myself.

" No, you told him with words. "

Well obviously?

I furrow my brows, confused on what she's getting at. " Mia, don't you know? Actions speak far louder than words. "

" You're somewhat smart, you can figure out what to do. "  she says, getting off of me. I quickly stand up, grateful to be able to use my arms again as I begin rubbing my cheek - the one she hit twice.

" and if I can't? " I ask, watching her and she begins walking away.

" You will. " and with that, her figure slowly disappears into the dark of the day.

" Mia! " Mikasa yells, running up to me.

" Hey.. " i quickly move my hair to the front of me, so it covers some of my cheek. I'd rather not have her ask questions as to why theirs a giant bruise forming on my cheek right now.

"You Okay? " I nod at her, baring a fake smile.

" Good, trainings about begin so come on! " she grabs my wrist and begins pulling me outside.

I shun my eyes as the light hitting my blue hues are enough to take me back. When I look forward again, I see my worst nightmare taking form.

just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, standing right in front of me is Eren and Levi both their eyes on me.

Uh oh

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