69• Take my Hand

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" Thought you'd be out for longer than that."

Her eyes hazily opened, the dimmed lights of a nearby candle casting shadows on her surroundings. She knew the voice, and how near it seemed.

Though, her head still remained full and throbbed. She tried to keep her eyes steady on the ceiling, but the wish to shut her eyelids laid heavily down on her.

Footsteps neared her, and while she knew she should fight, she couldn't even bear to lift a finger.

" Oh, maybe you will." He spoke, his voice far from her reach. She felt a new weight at the end of her bed, but she didn't look to meet who it is.

Mia sat up on her elbows, eyes screwed shut. "My head hurts."

He sighed, Levi didn't expect much from what she said but, he desired a little more than a complaint. He and the others all thought that when she passed out, her memories would accompany her in her awakening. To their knowledge, they were mistaken.

Levi kept his eyes attached to her small figure, waiting to restrain her. If she didn't remember anything, it would be seconds till she tried to fight again.

He was unsure if he could take her now, though. Prior, she was still the little soldier who knew how to scream a tad louder than the others. Now, she's a trained killing machine, with the ability to even take on Eren.

The raven haired man recalled the days when life was good, the moments when Mia would look at him and know his name. His eyes softened, and shifted from her to the floor.

" Why are you here?" Mia whispered, rubbing her eyes. " Don't you have a squad to instruct?"

He narrowed his eyes, perhaps she knew more than what he had thought. Levi stood up, placing himself closer to the door, fearing she'd soon attempt an escape as her strength slowly reclaimed itself.

" Wait!" She jolted up, " If you go, you better not send Petra in here! I will not deal with the ginger embodiment of Christa!"

Levi's jaw dropped slightly, he couldn't believe his ears. Petra. He hadn't heard that name in awhile. His stance slightly loosened, as he laid himself against the door, shaking his head slowly.

" Oh thank goodness. Are you gonna send in Eld? He's kinda cute, not gonna lie-" Levi raised a finger, trying to stop her, "Yeah, yeah, I know he's engaged or whatever but like,"

Levi stayed entirely silent, begging she'd stop. The reminder of his squad, and the arrival of the uncertain memories of Mia quite shook him. He stepped forward, opening his mouth to speak but she cut him off again.

" It was a joke, shorty, I dont actually wanna-"

" What did you call me?"

His heart swelled when she called him that. It had been years since he had last heard it. Levi smiled, the shadow that loomed over him relinquished, and instead, a light cascaded his heart.

" Shorty?" She awaited a response but none came, " Well anyway, do you know where Eren is? I think he took my-"

A pain strained her forehead, causing her to silence. She bent over, rubbing her temples. Levi knew what was happening, the remainder of her memories were trying to return.

It was clear she had only retrieved back everything before the first expedition with the female titan attack. He wondered how it effected her now, though.

" Eren is eating my friends? Where's Zeke? My head..." She whimpered, confusion getting the better at her. Everything started to hit her at once, and all Levi could do was watch.

He sat back down next to her. If he was correct, all she remembered of their relationship was of the orders he had given her not to die. They hadn't even kissed yet.

Levi carefully placed his hands over hers, a spark resonating through his hand at her touch. His stomach flipped, it was as if he was experiencing it all over again.

She nervously smiled, but he could tell she knew it was familiar. That it had happened before. He entangled his fingers with hers, gently whispering, " It's okay. We're going home now."

Mia looked to him, and he looked back at her. Four years he had wished to see her again, and now here she laid. She promised she wouldn't die, and she didn't.

The extinguished flame had been relit. And the darkness that daunted him faded, and her own light fought it off. She was home — different, but home.

" But Zeke, he's my friend and Falco and Reiner and-" He tightened his grip, feeling a pang of jealously stride through his chest. Falco was a mere child, a kind soul to Mia but, as far he knew, it was the boy Mia had fallen for while he was adrift.

It wasn't the time though, so he continued to stay silent.

" Levi, I need to go and rescue them or something!" She tried to get up, but Levi stopped her. It would be better for her to stay contained until they arrived. He couldn't risk her going back to them.

He sighed, sitting up and shielding the door once more. " No, Mia. Not now."

The door slammed open behind him, Connie running past him, distress ridden over his face.

" It's Sasha-"

Levi knew immediately what he meant, and as they both ran out, shutting the door behind them, Mia stayed silent.

She sat up, walking towards the door. Mia tried to open it, but she knew he had locked it. Anger flustered against her chest, desperate to find out what was happening with her friend.

The pained distant cries shot through her chest, as her breathing ceased. Something was going on, and she stayed behind a door, unsure of the outside.

But a loud cry called out to her from behind, one window that would just fit her frame, left visible. She darted towards it, eyes pinned to the pane.

There stood Zeke, fully shifted, watching the airship fly away. He laid his hand out, his palm left longing her for touch again. Her friend, his weapon, separated.

Tears brimmed in her eyes, but she knew, even with the remnants of her mind still blank, her home was with Levi.

" Sorry, Zeke, i have an order to follow first."

She turned towards the door, raising her hand and with one, quick surge, she imploded it to smithereens.

Mia ran towards the crying, stopping immediately as she saw what laid before her.

Or more so, who.

"W...What the-"

And as all the eyes stared at her in pure, and utter horror. One did not. Instead, they were shut, and no light hit them any longer.

Orders | Levi Ackerman Where stories live. Discover now