17• Truth in the Caverns

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- Mia's POV -

Where am I ? The room feels cold and unfamiliar. I pry my eyes open, taking in my bare surroundings.

A house ?

I look to the center and find Rod Reiss hugging Mathematics, tears streaming down his face. What the - confusion falls evidently on my face. Rod takes notice because he releases Historia and looks at me — smiling.

" Ahh, Amelia Rose Solera. Good to see you awake." I cringe at my name, feeling rage take its course. I've felt anger from my name being said before — much like when Eren said so earlier, but this — this was like something I've never felt.

I try to lash out at him, but the cuffs attached to my hands and legs hold me back.

" Shut up. "  I turn to Eren, noting his still unconscious state. My heart sinks slightly at the sight, but then I compose myself — remembering my reason of being here.

I was to weak emotionally and for that I pay the price.

" Why the hell am I here? " I snarl, baring my teeth. He merely tuts his finger at me, an egotistical smirk forming on his lips.

" All in good time, Amelia, all in good time. "

—- FlashBack -—

"Mommy? " I call out, clutching at my shirt blonde hair that had been nearly tied into a braid, Carla had done for me.

I sigh when no response Is said and begin to call for my father — but alas, no answer.

I huff in annoyance — where are they?

" MOMMY?! DADDY?! "  again, nothing. I flair out my arms in defeat, making my way to the little dinning table that had been decorated by my numerous drawings and pencils that lay atop of it.

I begin to sketch a sunset, frowning by the lack of the color it possesses.

Mommy and daddy said they'll get me colors for my birthday which is only in two whole days! So soon, my sunsets will look very pretty! Maybe mommy will take me to show the titans! I bet they'll love it!

Suddenly, the doors opens and in walks my mom. I run up to her, hugging her leg as it's the only thing I can reach.

At first, my mommy hugs back which is different considering she never does! I smile dearly, this day just keeps getting better!

But before I can fully enjoy the moment, she shoves me off of her.

" Get off of me Amelia. " I used to love when she called me by my full name. Not even Eri does, so it always makes me happy when she does!

See, I'm named after my mommy's favorite character from a book she used to read me called " The princess and knight. "

Which is about a princess named Dawn,and all the knights that fell for her but Dawn had a best friend who wasn't as pretty as her. Because of this, she'd only ever venture out at night so many wouldn't see her.

Her name was Amelia Rosalina.

But Amelia fell for a knight that everyone loved, even Dawn. So she knew that she could never stand a chance, but the knight fell for her as well.

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