11• The Escape

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— Hanges POV —

Our horses gallop towards the now nearing forest, I slow my horse down as I turn back and notice the a faint horse appearing in the horizon.  I squint my eyes, trying to fully grasp on just who rides the bearing horse when I finally note a key feature : dark raven hair.

It's Levi. He came.

His head falls in what could be seen as shame, as though he regrets coming all this way.

" Short stack! " I beam, his horse arrives as he slows it down to keep its pace with mine.

" Are they In there? " Levi asks, not even bothering for any type of greeting.

" Well, we saw them head there but we're not entirely sure if they are in the forest or not.. " i sigh, tightening my grip on the reigns.

Levi groans, as he strides forward meeting with Commander Erwin in the front.

Suddenly a large streak of lightning charges up the sky, painting it with red and yellows. My eyes widen when I realize what just happened.

A deafening screech rings through my ears, as my gaze quickly shifts from the sky back to the forest. I notice birds flying away - probably in fright which ultimately proves my fear.

It's them and they've transformed.

— Mia's POV —

" We need to leave! " Bertholdt exclaims, he jumps effortlessly onto the branch I'm on. I step away from him, my guard up as he approaches me and grips my arm attempting to pull me with him.

I pull away from him, my eyes glaring at the boy. " Don't resist, Mia. "

Hah, does this idiot really think I'm gonna listen to him? I don't even listen to myself, let alone this ass.

He goes to grab me again, but I pull my hands back - scrunching them into fists. I swing at him, landing my fist hard onto his nose, he stammers back as he grips his now blood dripping nose.

I run and jump onto the branch where Bertholdt was originally on, my fists raised. By now Reiner has transformed, with an unconscious Eren in his grips. I'm not exactly sure how he became unconscious because I wasn't really listening to what they were saying or doing but as of now it's up to me to get him back.

Bertholdt launches for me, and I swiftly dodge his attack.  " Just come with us, Solera. " He begs. I roll my eyes at him.

" I'll come... if you can catch me. " I grin, prepping my foot behind me to give me a more stable stance.

He attempts to punch me but I grab his fist with one hand. A more sinister smile appearing on my face, while his flushes in fear.

"  Some Colossal Titan you are. " I mock, twisting his fist backwards. He groans in pain as his knees begin to buckle. " Come on we gotta go! " Ymir yells

I ignore her and release his fist. He immediately tries to pounce at me again but instead of dodging to the side, I jump up and attach my self to an overhanging branch. I swing on it and propel myself forward, doing a flip on the air as I land a nasty kick in Bertholdt's stomach.

" Ahh! " he wails. I near him again but suddenly a massive hand swipes me away and I narrowly manage to grip myself onto a branch, my feet dangling.

" Get on! " Ymir yells again, Bertholdt takes no time to react as Reiner places him on his shoulder.

My hands begin to loosen as I use all my strength to hold myself up. I glance downwards and notice the huge drop below me. Others would usually be fear stricken but I am not others. I am me and I fear no death.

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