57• I Wont if you Wont

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— Levi's POV —

" his only choice was to become the devil," I say, sitting upon the roof, accompanied by Hange, Floch and the dying Erwin Smith. " and he did it because we asked it of him."

" He was finally about to be free from this hell but we were going to call him right back into it. Like you were."

My eyes fall to Erwin's sunken figure, tire filling my chest at the sight. " I think it's time...for us to let him rest."

Suddenly Armin begins to transform back into human, steam filling the air as Eren and the others make their way to him.

" Erwin..I know I said I'd take the beast titan down but it's going to have to wait," and before I can further myself, Hange presses her hands to his temples, sighing under her breath.

" he's already dead." My eyes fall, loss encapsulating my chest as of this moment It's all I can feel.

"...I see."

Eren holds up Armin alongside Mikasa and the rest, all frantic to see if he's okay. Well, all but Jean. He stares at the group, cocking his head to the side.

" Hey...where's Mia?"

My eyes widen as I stand up, scanning the roof for her. But she makes no appearance. Even Eren lowers Armin to search for her.

" Eren, she was fighting with you against Reiner last I saw her. Where is she?" Mikasa notes, I stare at Eren watching as his face drops.

" I don't know...I was thrown into a house and I looked at her and—" he stops himself, quickly gasping.

" Eren. What is it?" I ask, growing annoyed.

But he shakes his head, passing over the matter left unsaid. " S-she uh, got up and left." But his voice is raspy and fearful as though he had just realized something.

Hange bursts up, throwing her hand in the air.

" I know where she is!" We all turn to her, waiting for our answer.

" I personally instructed Mia that if the situation was poor, she was to leave the fight and go to her home to find the information. She must of left...not sure why though, the situation wasn't as bad then." I nod, sighing in relief. The others nod, turning back to Armin but Jean doesn't look all that convinced.

" I doubt she'd leave without any reason. She isn't one to leave others behind...or to follow orders." He walks up to us, not wanting to worry the others.

But he's right, Mia would never do such a thing without any valid reason.

"Hmm, then Levi? Can you go check on her? Her house is a few roads up from Erens." I nod, turning away.

" And uh, Captain Levi?" Jean asks, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

" What is it?"

" Please make sure she's okay."

I scoff, of course I would. With that, I fly off, darting through the many houses.


" Mia!" I call, my eyes scanning the few streets. I drop down to the ground, choosing to go by foot as it would be easier to spot her house.

" Oí! Cadet!" I await her response, but as seconds turn to minutes, I fail to hear a word. Growing frustrated, I stride forward in search for her. Navigating through and passing each mutilated corps.

I grimace, a loud sigh drenching the air. If only we had come more prepared, then perhaps we could have avoided all this death.

I trudge down a muddied path, littered with debris. But, that's the least of my concern as I've passed 4 streets and still haven't found her. Hange had instructed me on which house, but they all appear the same.

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