47• Sleepless

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" How do you feel about watching the people you love most, die in-front of you? "

" You're kidding, right? " and as I hoped for her to burst into laughter, from the crude joke she made - she doesn't. She only shakes her head.

" Mia, it could work. " Erwin interjects, placing his only hand on my shoulder. I groan, knowing that there is no way I can get out this.

" How do you expect to even do this, huh? It's not like my friends are actually going to die - right? " I mumble over the last bit, not sure of the extremities I expect Hange to go through.

" Well, if we could try induce a dream like simulation, then we could get our desired effect. If we can't, we'll have to figure out a different way to portray something devastating." She looks to Erwin, exchanging a silent conversation with a mere look.

" How do you plan on inducing a dream? "

" By depriving you of sleep, of course. Once your body has exhausted itself, you'll begin to hallucinate. With the use of Eren and everyone acting, it can be hyper realistic to you and while Eren is just acting like he's dying - you'll see him actually dying. I hope at least. "

As much as I would like for Hanges plan to succeed, and for my memory to be restored - I need sleep. My sleep deprived self is not something to be reckoned with, the last time I went on a day with no sleep - I nearly beat Eren to a pulp for Insulting my drawing. I'm not sure what I'd do now.

" Hange, I need sleep. " but she only tuts my complaint away, as though my feeling on the matter mean nothing.

" We understand that Mia, but's for the good of the plan. " Erwin explains, carefully running over his words as if he weren't convinced as well.

" Fine. But any calamities caused is NOT my problem - it's on you. "  he nods reluctantly, rubbing his bandaged shoulder awkwardly.

" WELL THEN! You go wherever because you're not sleeping tonight! I've hypothesized that it'll take approximately 3-4 days with no sleep before any hallucinations take place. "

3 to 4 days. What on earth am I going to do for three to four days without any sleep, if I usually go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6 - now that I can't do that, it'll leave me with 8 hours of pure boredom! And everyone else will be sleeping so it's not like I can annoy them!

" See ya in the morning, Mi Moo! " And with that Hange strides out the room, a wide grin plastering her lips.

" Mia - it'll be worth it. Trust me. " Erwin solemnly notes, walking behind me.

" I hope so. I'd hate to go through those hallucinations without any results. And make all of you watch it. "

" So you do care ! I guess you have a heart after all! " he jokes, but I find myself becoming slightly irked by his witticism. " I believed I proved I do long ago. "

His smile falters, catching on of my annoyed state. " Don't worry, Mia. I know you care, I could tell the moment you met Levi. Surprised no one else realized. What I said was merely a pleasantry. "

I nod, turning to him and give him a half hearted smile, patting his shoulder kindly.
" Well, I'll let you rest Eyebrows. I gotta go find something to do. "

" Goodnight, Solera. "

" Night Erwin. "


I stroll down each hallway, mindlessly. Not even wondering about what I shall do for the next 4 days to come. Instead, my mind is clear and utterly blank of all thought. It's peaceful actually.

My mind slowly reels back in, and it hits me. I was supposed to visit Levi! I turn around, dashing down the next corridor and towards his room.

I knock on his door, and wait. But as seconds turn to minutes, no response is made. I knock once more - and again, nothing. I gently open the door, grateful that no creak is made by the old wood.

" Levi? " I whisper, I glance upon his room and find his quiet state. He's wrapped up on a chair in the corner of his room, his head drooped to the side while he holds his chin up lightly with his fist, his elbow laying neatly on the arm rest.

He looks so peaceful. So relaxed, so calm. His breathing is balanced and deep and it leaves my ears in a state of serenity. For someone as cold as him, I could of never of thought he could look so warm.

And for a second, I'm glad I'm unable to sleep because then i would of missed this.

I walk over to his bed, picking up one of the quilts folded neatly on the end and place it over Levi's lap. His breathing hinges a bit, but I take little notice as I'm to utterly captivated in his sleeping state alone.

I lean closer, my lips brushing the sides of his cheek. I gracefully plant a tiny kiss on his soft cheek, letting it hold for second before pulling away. " Goodnight Shorty. I love you. "

turning away, I go to head for the door but before I can leave, his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. I twist backward noting his now alerted state.

" Stay. "

I try to wriggle out his grip, knowing that me sleeping would be inevitable if I were to stay, but his eyes - and oh how they gleam at me, makes my choice far the harder yet so easy.

" Okay. " he gets up from his chair, moving towards his bed - my hand still engulfed in his.
He pulls open the duvet, scooting over to furthest side to allow space for me.

I pull the covers over the both of us, enjoying his scent spread over it. I wish to sleep along side him, but I can't. I annoyingly turn over to face him - our eyes both meeting.

" What did Erwin want? " he whispers, feeling his breath tickle my skin.

" It's - uh, not important right now, okay? You should sleep. " I smile, not wishing to explain it. Plus, Levi barely ever sleeps, I'm already irritated with myself for awaking him earlier.

" Tell me in the morning then. " I nod, watching Levi flutter his eyes closed. A soft yawn escaping him.

" Stop staring at me, creep. "

" Well, what else am I supposed to do? " I laugh, turning back around so my back faces his. " Sleep, obviously. " He groans, scooting a little closer and wrapping his arms around me.

My cheeks grow flustered, but I ignore it. Choosing to enjoy the sweet moment instead. Oh how I'd pray it would last.

" I can't, it's part of the thing Erwin told me."

" You're not going to sleep? " his voice screams concern, but perhaps it's the tire instead.

" No, not now anyway. Don't worry about me though, rest."

" No- I'll stay aw- " i grip his hand, heaving my breath in successful attempt to shush him.

" Levi. Sleep. Please. " he sighs, knowing this was not a battle he could win. I feel him nod into my back, his head practically buried into my skin.

" Okay. Goodnight Blondie. "

" Night shorty. "

And for the first time in awhile, all was good. I resided in the dark - my fear for so long, with just the steady breathing of Levi to keep me feeling safe. It was enough for me. He was enough for me.

I wish, i wish it would of lasted. But I'm afraid, because soon - this would be last blissful memory for awhile.

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