23• Breaking

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" Mia! You're awake! " Eren yells out, running up to me. Soon the entire group follows after him - smiles all lighting up their faces when they notice my dimmed expression

" I guess so " I say quietly.

In truth, I'm glad to be alive - I'm thankful that i get to live another day with these guys but still , in no less then 24 hours my entire world has come crashing down. In no less then 24 hours everything that I've ever said and thought has all be false, all built on a fake foundation.

I didn't care about anything, let alone anyone and I was okay with that but now - to hear that every wall I had ever bothered putting up, every brick I had ever bothered laying down was for nothing..I just feel like a waste.

Now here I am laying helplessly not even knowing whether I prefer ' Amelia ' or ' Mia ' better, I don't even know what are my own thoughts and what are the result of living off lies for so long - I'm lost and I'm scared

I scoff at the thought but it's true Mi- or well whoever I am is scared to death of not knowing who she is.

I mean when fighting an opponent you should always have an insight on their techniques but If i don't even know my own how can I possibly know theirs?

Eren reaches me and pounces on to me, hugging me tightly.

At first I try to resist but I give in enjoying his warmth, well until a disgusted scoff comes from above along with a few giggles.

Eren releases me, and we both stare at the crowd above us.

" you know Mia, you may want to put a shirt on" Sasha laughs, my cheeks glow red when I realize I'm still not wearing a shirt.

Levi bends down to me and hands me a shirt muttering under his breath " pity "

My face still on fire, Levi removes his eyes from me and locks them with an annoyed Jaeger.

" Everyone prepare to depart, we need to meet with Erwin. " Levi announces pulling me up with him.

Levi walks ahead of me leaving me alone walking back up to the top.

" Hey, you feeling okay? " Jean asks walking to my side.

" Yeah. " I lie, but Jean sees right through it.

Come on Mia, you spent all this time building these walls and can't even form one good lie.

" Mia- " he pauses trying to find the right words

" you can tell me you know that? I may not be as close as Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Levi are with you but I'm here. " he reassures, nudging my shoulder.

I smile softly, my eyes growing tender.

It still surprises me- someone caring that is , knocks me right off my feet every single time.

" I know, but I'm not going to let my issues get in the way right now, especially in a situation that is putting my friends lives in danger. " i answer, raising my head and steadying myself resorting to the  only me I know.

" for someone who doesn't care, you sure have an odd way of showing it " Jean shows his perfect smile as he ruffles my hair.

I smile at the tall horse face we all know and love - well besides Eren.

" We'll talk when this mess is all over ? " he asks resting his arm around my shoulder. Usually I'd resist actions like this but this isn't anyone - it's Jean and besides Eren, Mikasa and Armin, Jeans the closest thing i could have to a big brother.

" you know, if we get out of this mess at least " he closes off growing quieter.

A frown grows on my face, but I cover it up.

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