22• Power Inside

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" Come on, Blondie. We don't have all day. " a deep monotone voice calls out to me beyond the darkness.

" Sir, she needs to rest. What she did... It probably took a lot out of her. " i can hear Jean say. It feels like they're all so far away.. and i just can't reach them.

My head aches, and I can feel my ears ringing still.

I need to open my eyes... I need to get up.

I try to find the strength to sit up but I find nothing, I'm tired - using my powers drained me to the core.

" I don't care. " Levi responds to Jean

Levi begins to shake me, presumably trying to wake me.

" Get up Mia.. " I hear him whisper, I feel his warmth next to me, I hear his voice, but I can't see him.

" Come on, we have a titan to kill. " he begs.

Why can't I wake up?

My mind starts to fall in a deep pit, the darkness that surrounds me growing even darker by the second- I feel like I'm in a cage and I can't find the key.

I need to think.. I'm not hurt and I'm not utterly exhausted. Then why won't my eyes open ?

Come on Mia think...

Suddenly a thought - no, a memory hits me. Though my body refuses to move, I feel a jolt of energy rush through me, and my body begins too shake.

" Hey, Mia! " I hear Levi yell out to me, shaking me harder but I feel the sound of his panicked voice floating further and further away.

" Hey brats! She needs help "

I need more then help Levi , I need power.

-/-/~ flashback~/-/-

" Hey, Mia! " Eren calls out to me, a smile spreads to my cheeks and a certain little light enters my eyes when I see the cute brunette boy running in my direction.

" Eri! " I squeal, opening my arms to hug him.

He runs into my arms, and we let our actions speak for our lack of words with a hug hello.

" How are you ? " He asks me intertwining his fingers with mine, he'd always done that. Since we could even move our arms he's been latched on to me, i guess i understand what Carla means when she says ' we're attached by the hip ''

" I've been better.. but it's okay! " I smile at him, but this time the light doesn't meet mine in quite the same way.

" what happened Amelia? " He must of noticed because he only ever calls me by that when somethings wrong.

" n- nothing. " I lie, keeping my head low.

" Mia, tell me. " he says sternly, his rounded green eyes gazing at me.

" my parents forgot it was my birthday yesterday again.. "

He drops my hand, and lets out a sigh. My head drops down and my shoulders remain sunken, I should be smiling because I know there are people out there who have it much worse.. but it still hurts and I know the last thing I want to talk about is this, it's stupid to complain.

Eren must of sensed this because he resumes the hand holding, and carries a smile once more.

" Come on, I wanna show you something! " Eren pulls me dragging me down a long road stopping at the end in front of this old cracked house.

" What is this place Eren? " I ask

" shh, just watch and learn. " he smirks releasing my hand, and picking up a pebble aiming it at the door.

" it's all about the stance " he mutters to himself.

" Eren, come on what's even the point ? " I ask annoyed.

" I was playing this with Armin earlier, he said it was something about physics but basically you have to try and hit the door handle! " he says not even glancing back at me.

I raise my eyebrow at him and he throws the pebble.

But the door opens and an old man walks out getting hit square in the face with the pebble.

My eyes widen in panic and as does Erens.

" You stupid Kids! " he yells out grabbing something from behind his door- what is that?

A gun.

" Eri.. I'm scared " I whisper to him backing up so both of us our leaning against a wall.

He just stays staring at the weapon in the mans hand, and I shut my eyes in fear unable to look.

" You kids ought to be taught a lesson since the fucking garrison wont. " the old man spits at us.

" Come on Mia, I need you to open your eyes okay? " Eren whispers to me, grabbing my hand.

But I can't, I'm too scared. I'm too weak.

I hear the click of the gun as the man takes it off safety mode.

" Come on mi, I need you to be strong- for me." I hear his voice start to raise a little as the man inches forward to us.

He's right.

I need to be strong.

I need to save him.

I'm going to save him.

My eyes open fast and I raise my hand towards the man as though my mind had thought this out for me.

His eyes widen for a second, before he drops to the ground dropping his weapon.

Eren lets out a sigh of relief but a shattering scream rushes past us, coming from the old man.

" Where am I?! Who are all of you?! " he frantically yells out.

What have I done ?

-/-/~ end of flashback ~/-/-

The first time I had used my ability, was the first time I had ever truly felt power.

It was all because of my friend, my brother.

And now I need to do it again, I need to find power. I need to find power in myself.

I stop shaking and my eyes open, taking in the blinding light and the shadowed man that stool above me.

" l- Levi? " I mutter out, my mouth dry and my head throbbing.

He looks into my eyes worryingly, but a small smile peaks through and slowly lights up his stormy eyes.

I lift my head up, propping my self up on my elbows so our faces are only centimeters apart.

Levi closes the gap, kissing me gently and holding onto me as though if he let go he'd never be able to do this again. For such a monotoned man, his kiss was full of vibrance and love- but the rainbow disappears and the rain pours down once more when he pulls away, his eyes growing cold again.

" Get up brat, we don't have all day. "

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