76• The Jaegerists

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The words that Historia spoke to Mia ricocheted in her mind, daunting her with each spiraling thought.

She opened her eyes. The cold rays of the morning sun casting through her window. Her hand fell to the empty space beside her, where Levi would've laid. But he hadn't slept there since she'd arrived.

A sigh escaped her lips, breaking the soft silence that captivated the room. Mia stood up, taking a sip of water from the glass on her table as she attempted to calm her thoughts.

Historia had to have been wrong. Eren would never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it. His heart wasn't filled with hate, killing just didn't follow him as it did with others Mia had encountered.

He had changed, though. Images of him flickered through Mia's mind, the soft and brave young boy she knew had shifted into a tired man. It had been the impact of the battles, and the strain of all that was bestowed on him. It had to be that, and only that.

But Mia remembered the faces of her other comrades; Jean, Mikasa and Armin. They faced it all too, and none held the same loss Eren did.  The same dim chaos in their eyes.

She shook her head, refusing herself to ponder the possibility of what Historia had said. And yet, memories flooded her of the moment Eren had mercilessly killed all of those in Liberio.

Her head fell into her hands, mumbling incoherent words.  Eren was her best friend, he would've told her If something was different. Unless he had stopped seeing her the way he used to. His best friend, and the girl he once loved. The thought ran through her mind, causing a quiver in her lip.

Mia wished her days would return to normal. Just how they'd been when she first joined the Scouts. It was so easy then. So light.

Her door opened, smacking against the bricked walls. "Mia. Outside, now." Levi said, not even taking notice of his girlfriends shriveled state.

Though, she ignored it. As the sound that followed behind Levi was raging yells.


" Whats going on?" Mia asked, running behind Levi. She threw her scouting regiment jacket over her shoulders, ignoring the stares from the others who questioned as to why she still wore it. None of the other squad members did.

"I think you'd better look for yourself."

She raised an eyebrow, noticing how cold he'd been to her. Mia tried to remember the last time they'd even been together, as a couple, but her mind came to a blank.

A frown swept across her lips but before she could say anything to him, Levi opened the door.

"The scouting regiment must fall! Death to the Eldians!" The yells of what seemed like hundreds of people, continued to chant around one solemn man.

Her mouth fell to the floor, her eyes unable to tear away from who laid in the middle of all the chaos.

"Oi, Mia! Get inside, it's not safe. They've been beating up anyone in the old uniform." Jean grabbed her shoulder, but she stayed unmoving.

Mia narrowed her eyes, taking a step forward. "Oh please-" but Levi, too, held a hand in front of her.

"Don't be an idiot." He spoke, again, not looking her in the eyes.

But Mia didn't care. She pushed his hand out of the way, knowing she could stop them. But when her gaze fell on Eren again, she halted.

If she brought her own chaos to his, what would be left other than a debris of misery?

Levi watched her expression fall, and rolled his eyes. "If you're going to do something then do it."

She huffed a breath, curling her hands into fists. "Fine."

Mia trudged towards Eren, pushing past the screaming men. Their eyes all focused on Mias wings of freedom logo that was stitched into her jacket, and yelled out, "Take that off!"

She raised an eyebrow, staring back at them. They all stopped in their tracks, unsure whether to pursue her or not. Even they had heard of the stories from the fallen cadet, Mia Solera.

But one, who had been accustomed to her bravery, stepped forward. A gun in hand.

"Take that off, Solera. We demand that the wings of freedom is no more." Floch said, his eyes narrowed on the small girl.

She rolled her eyes, "No."

Mia pushed past the crowd forming around her, and looked towards Eren. He stood there, eyes fixated on the girl approaching him, and frowned.

She grabbed his forearm, pushing him back. He stumbled, huffing out. "What are you doing?" Eren growled.

"What am I doing?" An incredulous gasp left her, "what are you doing, Eren?"

Eren stayed silent, narrowing his eyes at her. She turned away from him, glaring back at Floch who dared to intervene. But with the look she gave, and how Levi Ackerman, too, stood only meters away, He stayed put; wallowing.

"What the fuck is this?" She yelled, gesturing to the riot around her, "And who the fuck are the Jaegerists, and Eren-" She heaved, "I swear if it's what I think it is-"

"What will you do? Tell me, hanna."

As that name left his lips, her expression fell. She furrowed her brows, teeth gritted together. The crowd seemed to grow close- too close.

Mia had her mind swirling of how he had possibly known that her true name was Hanna. If it was certain only she, Levi and Historia knew of her past, then how had Eren known?

She couldn't focus, and her mouth couldn't keep up with her mind to give out a response. Mia, in one breath, threw her hand onto Erens chest and without another second to consider, blasted him away.

The surge of power shook her hand. It had been too long since she'd last used it. Her mind stilled, though, as the riot grew louder and more furious as they saw their idol laying against the wall.

Floch raised his gun to her, damning the girl under his breath. She heard the trigger pull back, but the two who could save her had found themselves lost in the crowd.

Levi and Jean searched for where they'd heard the trembles that belonged to Mias ability but failed to find her. "Mia!" Levi called out, his voice desperate.

But she'd hear none of it. Mia turned to floch, angered and confused by the revelation brought by Eren.

"Shoot me or get out of my way."

Mia's sharp words hindered Flochs confidence further, the group behind him, too, grew smaller in tone. Their yells and chants quiet, as they're eyes all focused on the girl in the middle, who couldn't care less for them.

"Dont make me do this, Solera." Floch stuttered, his gun shaking under the grasp of his sweaty hand.

Her frown deepened, "Do it. See who wins."

And just as Levi laid his eyes on Mia, the gun went off.

Silence fell over the crowd, as Jean held Levi back from the scene before them. There she laid, frozen on the dusted floor.

But no blood poured from her, and her eyes remained open. Instead, her arms were pinned over her head, her lips blue as a hand pressed against her throat.

Mia gasped, but her glare deepened. As the person who stood atop of her was Eren. He tightened his grip around her neck, and her eyes rolled back.

"I win." He whispered, and the crowd boomed.

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