14• Barging in

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- Mia's POV -

Standing outside the cabin door, I feel hesitant to enter. A wave of nausea falls over me and the mere thought of entering and having to see their faces, scares me into oblivion.

I sigh, contemplating whether or not to turn back but before I can even decide, a hand enlacing mine makes the choice for me.

I stare down at his hand, and how his fingers entangled mine and I feel a warmth brush over my cheeks.

" Go in. " He commands, and I release another pent up sigh. " You'll be fine. "squeezing my hand and I nod, releasing his hand and walking through.

- Mikasa's POV -

After Mia ran out, everything returned back to normal and being honest, I'm glad it did.

After Mia ran out everything and everyone had gone silent and to be honest I was glad, not only could I finally get this cleaning done but with out Jean and Eren trying to kill each other

But I'm hurt, I'm hurt because of what happened to Mia. I know what it's like to lose your parents, and while I may not know how it feels to have them not even care about you, i can relate. I can relate to her pain.

We're so alike and I never even noticed, she's always been like a sister to me and I hate myself for never asking about her past. I can't believe that I never made sure she was okay, just like I do for Eren.

I'm glad I know now, because from now on I swear to everyone and everything, that I'll be there for Mia. Since I failed to do so before.

The door opens with a bang, and my eyes trails to the blonde headed girl in the doorway. All mouths drop open in shock because not any evidence of pain or hurt masks Mia's face, but instead a smile does.

But she's not smiling at us, I follow her eye and the gleam that shines off of it as her eyes meet the ones of Captain Levi's.

Wait what

She's smiling at Levi ?! She has a thing for THE RUNT?!  Like i said, Mia is like a sister to me and family is supposed to look out for each other - so I have no issue, hitting that blonde headed idiot back to where she came from. I am not about to let her fall for that asshole.

I glance at Eren and how he stares longingly at Mia, it makes me feel sick. As much as I'd hate to admit, when Eren looks at Mia, it's like he loses sight of everything else. He's even to stupid enough to notice that I'm looking at him, the exact same way he's looking at her.

" I'm back. " Mia says, her hands gliding up to her hips.  " Tsk. " Levi notes, quickly shoving Mia out the way so he's now inside as well.

" MIAA " Jean yells, rushing to her side and pulling her in for a giant hug.

" I-I'm so so sorry for what happened to you.. " Mia squirms in his arms, her usual pale face turning a light shade of blue.

" I- " She tries to breathe, all eyes furrow on her  waiting to hear what she has to say.

" - dont care. " she shoves Jean away with one swift movement. A sigh of relief escapes the room, knowing that she's back to her usual self.

Jean goes to hug her again, but suddenly a hand stops him. " Get away from her! Don't you have some hay to eat or something ?! "

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