27• The Duo

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" EVERYONE IN POSITION! " Some soldier yells out, his yells ricochet off the walls and for a split second I swear everything freezes.

The titan is barely touching the wall, and the scrambling of my fellow cadets are still and lightless - though everything right now is solemn in my eyes,  it's all so loud. I can hear the blood flowing in my body, to the gushing air that surrounds me bringing my lungs to life, all Is still and all is alive.

" Mia! " Hange sets my mind in reality and the world comes back into place, I whip my head around to the screeching girl raising an eyebrow at her.

" What? " I say calmly, drawing out my blades.

" Don't you remember what I yelled at you about ?! " she screams at me, her hair flying everywhere.

Suddenly a soldier shoves me to the side running towards the titan -

" The nerve- " I say wanting to pulverize the idiot who pushed me.

" MIA! " Hange snaps at me, grabbing hold of my arm

" Fineeee, ill see you later... " I say groggily, using my gear to fly away into the spot I'm supposed to wait in until the signal.

I land fluently on the ground, running a hand through my twisted up hair I survey the war zone that happens right in front of me.

Eren seems to be fighting that titan pretty well..

I prop my elbow up on the balcony of which I reside on, resting my head In my hand.

So this is what it must feel like to be a mere civilian huh? I so desperately want to join the fight, seeing the blood that gushes out Rods titan and the gliding of my friends as they slash up the titan on the outside trying to avoid falling in its clutches made me thirsty for a fight-

Thirsty to win.

Mia, don't you dare.

The little voice in the back of my head tries to argue with me, but when did I start listening to Erwin? Let alone some little voice in my head?

Oh that's right, I don't.

I stand up on the balcony, gazing over the wall - my shadow forecasting the giant titan that stood in front of me like a storm cloud.

And I was about to bring the rain down.

I somersault off the high rise roof I was on, latching my gear onto the back on Eren - I push forward and grab on to Eren, clutching his hair. His titan form lets out a loud screech still punching at Rod.

" MIA! Get down from there ! " Jean yelled at me as he himself flew around slashing the titan up as much as possible.

I shake my head at the boy whose mouth quickly turns into a sickening frown obviously aware of what I'm doing.

The horse boy knows me too well..

I climb up to Erens shoulder balancing my self, my eyes growing dark as I feast upon the terrifying monster that stands in front of me.

" you ready? " I whisper into Erens ear, he nods  along with a simple grunt escaping his mouth.

" Let give 'em hell. "

-/-/~ flashback ~/-/-

" CADET SOLERA! " commandant Shadis calls for me, his all so eerie voice filling the mess hall.

The entirety of the room stare at me, my eyes furrow in annoyance of this incredibly loud individual.

" Mia, what Does he want? "  Jean asks, tugging at my sleeve.

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