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Authors note -

5000 READS?!? WHAT THE TITAN OMG, I love u guys so so much, thank u guys for everything ! It's not my birthday anymore but I'm pretending it's my present 😉😉 lolol love u guys!

Enjoy the chapter ~

" Mikasa. " I call, she looks into the direction I am, and her eyes narrow at the two boys standing directly in front of us.

" Come on, Jean is over there. " She points to a group, just behind Levi and Eren - which means, I have to pass the two.

" Ya know, I think I should just go inside... "I try to scurry back, but Mikasa grips my shoulder and there's no way I'm getting out of that.

" Mia, don't be stupid. "

I roll my eyes and look away from the boys, whose eyes still haven't left me. Sighing, I venture forward trying as fast as I can to make it to Jean.

" Mia. "

And just when I thought I had made it. My eyes widen from the voice behind me, I look to Mikasa and the approaching Jean for any sort of help, but they both simply shrug.


" Yeah? " i ask turning myself around, to Eren who had called me. I hear a scoff sound from Levi's mouth, and my heart sinks a little from it.

" Can we talk ? "

Let your actions speak louder than words

"Sure " all eyes suddenly fall on me, as I walk towards Eren. I can't help but shake off Levi's patronizing gaze and feel almost bad, though what I'm doing in the long run is good.

" What do you want ? " I ask, folding my arms.

His great green eyes suddenly soften, and I can't help but feel nostalgic from all the times those eyes caught mine. Pity it all had to end so drastically and all because of a kiss? Who would of thought.

13 years of friendship, and all it took was a dark closet and boy in love with a girl.

I sigh, there's no way I'm ending my friendship with Eren for Levi, I have no doubts about it but at the same time, I'm not losing Levi for Eren either.

I'm not sure what to do, but whatever I do do.. I'm getting Levi back somehow.

" Can we go - uh - go somewhere more private ? " I see Levi stiffen behind Eren as his gaze only narrows at the boy from what he says.

" No. "

" Uh, okay.. well, you see.. " He begins to ramble, he's obviously nervous but it's beginning to get on my nerves.

" Look, I'm sorry. You're my best friend Mi, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you and Lev- Captain ! " he quickly corrects himself when he remembers whose standing behind him.

I smile a little, if only the boy had stayed so innocent. But either way, I'm gonna forgive him and as stupid as that may sound, I refuse to let him go.

" I know that you love him, and I know that you've never been happier since you met him, and I'm sorry that I took that away from you. "

Everyone around me stays silent as they stare at the boy who leaves himself exposed like this. Even Levi stares at him, and even through his constant " Tsk " he lets out, i know, I know he's listening to every single word.

" And Mia, i do love you. "  I hear Levi let out a huff as he begins to walk off, and my eyes dart away from Eren to Levi and I can't help but feel sad that my plan has failed and it hadn't even started.

" Captain, wait! "

Suddenly Levi stops in his tracks, but still he refuses to turn back around.

" I love Mia, i do. But I know that she loves you and that's how it'll always be. So I'll move on, just as long as I can stay as her best friend, " my eyes soften as I look at Eren, I was so angry at him before but now, how could I be ?

Levi turns around but instead of looking at Eren, his gaze falls on me.

" As long as I can stay your best friend, Mi. " Eren grins sadly, I walk up to him and sling my arm around his since I'm far to short to put it over his shoulder.

" Don't you know, Eri? You're stuck with me. I sorta promised your mom that I'd take care of you and Mikasa and who would I be to back out now ? " I laugh, a warm smile drifting on to my face as I ignore the eyes of Levi on my back.

Eren wraps me in his arms, returning a warm hug- one that I've missed.

" God, you're tiny. " he teases, when he realizes my head barely reaches his shoulder.

" Shut up Titan boy. "  I say, as I hear the sounds of ' aww '  from the rest of the crowd, I think even Armin is tearing up.


" Oi, this is combat training - not whatever the hell this is. " Levi scolds, i remove myself from Erens embrace and nod.

" This is who will be fighting against each other today. " he begins.

" Jean - Connie, Sasha - Mikasa "

" WHAT!!!! " Sasha yells, looking absolutely terrified.

" Kirstein- Jaeger, Armin - Historia "

Of course mathematics is doing combat training too.. at first i was pissed that she was becoming a so high and mighty queen but the more I thought about it, the more I realized i would see her less, but now here she is ready to ruin the freaking day.

I wait for Levi to call out my name but he doesn't, I keep forgetting how we have an odd amount of people in his squad.

" uhh, Levi what about me ? " I raise an eyebrow as everyone takes off to their own spots.

" What about you? "

This little runt

" Who am I fighting?" I fold my arms, my eyes narrowing at him.

" I don't know. " I let out a growl as I approach him, if he wants to act like this, it's fine by me but I'm not giving up without a fight - literally.

" Fight me then. " His eyes stare straight through me and even though none of us have moved yet, the fight brewing in both our eyes was enough to send us both spiraling back.

"Just like last time 'member ? "  I recall from the time I ran away after punching Petra.

" Fine. Let's fights. "

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