78• A Mission

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"Well, you've looked better."

Mia groaned as the mans lantern light shown on her, the glaze of the lantern straining her eyes. It had been one week since anyone other than Eren had visited her.

And that week had begun to show. Her clothes were swamped with dirt, with her hair carrying the same dust that fell onto her shoes. Even her eyes fell deeper due to the lack of light in her cell.

She was a mess. And Levi saw it- and smelled it- from a mile away.

"Really? I thought i looked dashing today," She smirked at him, before letting it drop into a frown,"Where have you been? It's been a whole week."

Levi could hear the hurt in her voice, and his lips bore a deeper, more sullen frown. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Damn Jaeger wouldn't let anyone in. We had to deal with Kirstein wailing the entire seven days."

Mia smiled at the thought. Her laugh, though faint, slipping through her lips. And just as Levi believed her sadness had relinquished, a frown plastered over her dry lips.

"What is it now?" Levi said, leaning against the wall.

She looked up to him, her gaze soft. And when Levi met her glance, his heart fell to his stomach. His eyes traced along the edge of her jaw, moving along to the pink of her lips and to the corners of her eyes. Her mouth moved as she spoke but Levi heard none of it.

He hadn't realized just how long it had been since he last looked at her. Since he last truly looked at her.

"Hello? Levi?" She waved at him, watching him blink vigorously as he looked back at her.

"What is it, Mia?"

She sighed. Even though they were only separated by iron bars, it was as if the two were sailing different seas. In the same waters, and yet millions of miles apart.

"I asked where you had been." She said.

Levi raised an eyebrow, "I just told you."

Mia rolled her eyes, leaning against the bottom of the stone walls. "Just forget it."

But he wouldn't. Levi took a step toward her, laying the lantern on the edge of her cell.

"Stop being a child. I already deal with that from Floch and the other morons." 

She scoffed, "That's rich coming from you."

Irritation both trembled in their chests. Mia let out a heavy breath, unable to clench her fists beneath the chains. But Levi, he remained blank. Just as he always had.

"Just tell me, Mia. I don't have time for this."

Mia raised an eyebrow but continued. Her frown sighed into a straight line, and her eyes, too, lowered.

"Then, tell me, Levi. When was the last time you kissed me?"

He took a step back, stuttering as he tried to think for the answer. And his mind trailed past every day, not once did the answer befall him.

"I was upset about you not visiting me for a week, but you and I both know, it's been far longer than that."

Levi stayed silent. His gaze unwavering. She was right, and he knew that. And yet, his heart raced with pure anger.

He scoffed, crossing his arms tighter against his chest, "And that's my fault?"

Mia nodded. After all this time, they both had the time to say what they thought of, to one another. And yet, both held back. Neither wished to wound the other.

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