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The best things happen unexpectedly.

It took me some time before I snapped back to the present and looked around the dark van. The windows were tinted black and it felt like I was being kidnapped all over again.

I felt a presence next to me and turned my head to see a heavily built man. I hadn't seen the man before and didn't know who he was. He was probably the one who pulled me into the van.

Right in front of me was another person. I noticed it was a female. She was typing away something on her phone, barely acknowledging my presence.

Just as I was about to speak, or yell for help, she put her phone down and grinned down at me.

"Hi, you must be Julie James, am I right?" She asked. I was dumbfounded. She knew who I really was? But I didn't know her at all.

I hesitated before responding. "No."

She waved a hand in the air. "Don't bother lying to me, please. I very well know you are Julie James."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Amelia! Didn't Heather say anything about me?" She asked, extending a hand to me. I stared at it before she sighed and grabbed mine. "It's called a handshake." She explained, shaking my hand firmly before letting it drop limply at my side. "Anyways, if she hasn't told you, I'll tell you. I'm Amelia Harris, Tristan's little sister. I know you know Tristan. I'm also Heather and Juliet's best friend."

"Okay, but why did you pull me into this van?" I asked, looking at the man seated next to me. He was dressed in a black bodyguard suit and now that I really looked at him, he looked a little scary. "Why are you even here?"

"Well, when Heather reached the mansion and asked for you, your friend there what's-her-face told us you had gone to a local park about half an hour ago and you said you'd return in twenty minutes. Heather, being the one to take care of things before it ruined anything told me to get you. Were you trying to run away, little miss Julie James?" She scrutinized me with her captivating eyes.

My hands started to feel clammy. I had indeed attempted to run away.


"Oh really? Then you just randomly decided to sprint out of the park opposite in the direction of your car?"

I sighed. "Fine. I did try to run away but I stopped. I didn't want to leave my friend alone there. I swear I'm not going to run away again." I really hoped that she believed me because if not, Heather was definitely going to give me an earful.

"You better not." Then she smiled at me. "God, Heather made me ditch this party I was invited to just to go after you. The food at the mansion better be good to make it up to me for that. I'm famished. It's almost dinner time. Let's go!"

She turned to her driver. "Frankie, drive to the Jenson mansion. And Timmy," She said, turning to look at the man sat next to me. "Call her driver and tell her that she's going with me."

She sat back before popping a pair of ear buds in her ears and blasting music on so loud that even I could hear it. She closed her eyes. "Wake me up when we get there."

I didn't know what to do. The man sat next to me stared straight ahead after making the call. So I just settled with looking out the tinted windows.

We were ushered in once the van pulled up in the driveway.

"Hi, Juliet," Heather smiled tightly at me, pulling me in for a hug which was a little too tight. "You had me waiting for you for a long time."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just got lost in thought at the park." We pulled away and I could feel her suspicious eyes on me.

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