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A little party never killed anybody.

I could describe Juliet's birthday party as overwhelming and extra. A lot extra.

The dinner was hosted at a five star hotel, Serene Serenade's ballroom. The whole place was decorated from top to bottom. It looked like a palace.

If this was Charlotte's 'simple' dinner party, then I never wanted to see what her extravagant ones were like.

Getting into the ballroom had posed a great challenge. When our cars arrived at the hotel, the entrance was crowded with the paparazzi. They were going crazy over what the celebration was about. I knew they had a slight inkling about it. Today was Juliet's birthday. The Jenson's are hosting a secret dinner party. What could be the reason?

It was too obvious. Only a fool would not be able to guess that this was their daughter's birthday party.

With that, rumors would spread. The paparazzi would speculate and try to find more information. Not everything would be in our control. Somehow the news would leak that the long lost billionaire's daughter was finally found. That she had finally returned. Charlotte would start forcing me to reveal myself. It would be a breaking news that would circulate all the news channels for a few days and the whole world would gossip about the daughter's whereabouts and what she must have done in all this time.

"Julie!" Olivia hissed at me, snapping me out of my reverie.

We had managed to get into the hotel after the paparazzi was forced out of the way when they were blocking the parking space.

There were strict orders given to not let anyone with a camera in and the guests were requested to not post anything on social media about the event.

We were standing outside the doors of the ballroom. I was a bundle of nerves at Olivia's side because in less than a minute, I'd be meeting every person who was close to Juliet. I bet there would be a lot of them.

For some reason, I felt as if it was my last day acting as Juliet. My secret might be revealed at the smallest of slips. I had be very careful as I was unwillingly venturing into a dangerous territory.

Suddenly I remembered that I didn't catch up with Keith. I had decided that I would talk to him once I had gotten ready but then I completely forgot about it once I came downstairs and was bombarded with compliments.

Today most possibly might be my last day among these people and if it was, I wasn't sure if I could get to meet Keith one last time.

"Here goes nothing," I heard Olivia mutter and just then the doors opened and I froze.

There were a heck lot of people around. Like sunflowers to the sun, all the people's zeroed in on me and I instantly felt my throat dry up. I could barely move a muscle and the people must have stared at me for a full minute before Olivia eventually softly pushed me forward.

I didn't notice that there was a grand staircase descending down to all the people who now had began clapping and singing the birthday song.

My cheeks heated up. Whenever it would be my birthday and people around me started singing the birthday song I always felt embarrassed.

It was two minutes of pure torture. Two minutes of old and young people singing the birthday song to me.

When it finally ended, I gave them a wide smile, well as wide a smile as I could muster.

I descended the staircase with Olivia, thanking God at least she was there with me. Charlotte and Amelia had left me alone with her, only giving us directions on where to go.

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