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Let the sparks turn to fire, and we'll quiver at the thought of losing our flame.❞

"I still can't believe you have a car like that," I said as I glanced back at the car which was not some fancy expensive one. It could easily pass as a normal car and no one would believe it belonged to a billionaire.

"Yeah, it's for escapades like this one." He grinned, twirling the car keys around his finger.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he grabbed my hand when we were about to cross the road.

"It's right there."

I looked in the direction he pointed and was confused as to why we are at the theatre.

I mean I know we were there to watch a movie but why? We could've just watched it at home at the private movie theatre the Jenson's owned. It wouldn't have been a problem to get hands on the latest movie.

When I pointed it out to him, he couldn't answer for a minute. "I want to experience it like how other people do. At a crowded movie theatre, in the darkness with lots of people around. It would be fun if we don't get recognized."

I looked at him amusedly. "You really want to try out everything normal people do, don't you?"

He nodded enthusiastically.

"But why with me?"

He looked back questioningly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you taking me to watch a movie with you? Why not your best friend Tristan or your girlfriend Heather?"

He shrugged. "Everyone's busy. Tristan's on his date and Heather is getting her beauty sleep. And also because you are fun to be around."

We entered the building. Ethan bought our tickets while I got two bags of popcorn for us.

Five minutes later we were sitting inside the movie theatre with our popcorn bags in hand, looking around to see only five other person. There was no one around.

"Of course, who would go to watch a movie at one in the morning?" I grumbled. "There goes your sitting-with-people-and-watching-a-movie thing you wanted."

The movie started and after a few minutes some people actually trickled in and sat in front of us.

There was a young college couple sat a row in front of us, three boys and a girl who looked like they were in high school sat at the very front of the theatre. There were still quite a few people sat at the back.

The movie began. It was kind of an okay movie in the start but then it got boring. Like a lot boring. I had to stifle yawns for about five times. So I just stuffed my mouth with popcorn. The only good part of the whole thing was the popcorn.

It didn't help that the young couple sat in front of us started smooching each other five minutes into the movie like there was no tomorrow, making Ethan and I extremely uncomfortable. It looked like they were trying to eat each other's faces off. I don't how I gobbled up the popcorn at the sight of a boring movie and an extremely horny couple.

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