C H A P T E R 4 1

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The kernel of all jealousy is lack of love.

I nervously fiddled with my fingers until Heather put a hand on mine to stop it.

"Hey, don't worry. Rachael's fashion show is the most awaited event here so the media is more concerned about covering all her creations. They won't even notice you're here." She reassured me again.

"Okay," I said and then let out a sneeze.

Heather frowned. "God knows where you and Ethan went gallivanting about in the city. You both have a cold now."

I looked over at Ethan who was sat in the first row with a handkerchief pressed to his nose. I suppressed the small laugh that was threatening to come out. "Sorry," I said as my eyes watered because I was going to sneeze but then it didn't happen.

We were seated on the sides, in the third row because we didn't want to drag much attention to us.

Any minute now, the show will start and we'll see Rachael's talent displayed before us in the form of her self designed clothing.

Right after the show, Rachael will officially inaugurate her own line of clothing here in Paris by the name of R∃∀SON. Then she will go on an inauguration spree to open up stores in different countries. So she was going to be very busy for the next month, possibly even two. I was very happy for her.

The lights dimmed around the audience and all that we could see was the brightly lit up stage. Music started playing and within a a few minutes, we saw the models start to walk out one by one with their outfits.

Rachael's brand mainly dealt with evening gowns and those designed by her has got to be the best evening gown one could ever see.

Some were poufy like the ones in those princess movies I used to watch when I was little, others were sparkly. The models walked confidently and gracefully carried their outfits well with them.

The gowns were mainly of soft colors like light blue and baby pink. Some of them revealed a lot of skin but it looked good.

After about an hour, the show finally ended with an extremely beautiful model, Audrey who was Antonio's girlfriend, wearing the most beautiful gown of the entire event. Behind her, all the models who had previously cat walked, walked out one after the other and posed for the cameras for a few seconds before turning around and exiting from the other side. The last one to exit was Audrey who was wearing the most beautiful gown.

A few seconds after her exit, Rachael dressed in a simple knee length black dress walked half of the ramp. We clapped for her and could see the huge smile on her face. She was nervous, I could tell. I wanted to tell her that she did amazing and all of her dresses were lovely.

She turned and walked back. Just after she was out of sight, Robert, her husband stood up from his seat, with Rebecca in his arms.

"Come on, let's go see her backstage," Heather said, standing up too. I nodded and she led me backstage where we found Rachael crying with Robert trying to comfort her.

At first I was confused as to why she was crying. If she thought the show wasn't good, she was absolutely wrong. But once I saw her face, I relaxed and chuckled at her. She was crying tears of joy. She was smiling widely with tears leaking out of her eyes uncontrollably. How she managed to do that was beyond me.

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