12| Her First Sleepover

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{This book will probably be in Author's POV from now on, unless something else comes up}

[Y/n] couldn't feel much, her legs were slightly numb, she couldn't walk due to this for awhile. Her head was throbbing a bit, but not too much to make her scream. She felt warm. Was she in a bed?

The child's eye lids slowly uncovered her innocent-like [E/c] eyes, blinking a couple times to get use to the sudden light in the room.

'Am I home?'

She would've sprung from her bed and ran to find someone to cling onto because she was so scared last night—

What was she scared of again?

'My head hurts...'

As if on cue Yoongi appeared, almost like he felt she needed someone, someone to talk to or at least be there in the room with her so she wasn't alone.


Yoongi practically screeched as he felt to the floor beside her bed, holding her soft little hands in his big ones.


"What's wrong?!"

Yoongi searched her body, looking for cuts or scratches or anything.

"Are you okay?"

Yoongi asked, rubbing her hand in soothing circles with his thumb, making her give off a soft smile.

"I'm okay oppa, but what happened last night?"

The boy widened his eyes a bit, before a look of agitation and hate filled his eyes, confusing [Y/n].

"Nothing. Nothing happened last night."

"But you look so... you look like you hate something right now... is it something I did?"

Yoongi couldn't help but shake his head, his whole expression the opposite.

"Oh no no no no! Baby, you did nothing wrong for Yoongi oppa to ever hate you. You're too cute for that,"

[Y/n]'s eyes turned into half moons at this. Yoongi usually never calls her things like this, and he even mentioned that she's cute!

"Thank you oppa!"

"Awww, adorable—"


"What was that?"

Yoongi looked towards the door but then fixed his gaze back on [Y/n], watching as she flinched every time she heard something.

"I'll— I'll go check it out. You stay here, okay?"

[Y/n] nodded and flinched again, hearing yet another bang from downstairs. What could possibly be going on down there?

Yoongi peeked out the door, slowly creeping down the halls as quiet as a mouse, hearing more crashes and bangs from what sounded like the kitchen.

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