Special|~ Spinoff pt.2

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( a/n : I know Halloween has already passed and that this was supposed to be a special for that holiday.. But it still is. I'm not giving up. I hope you guys enjoy part 2! And for those of you who were confused on the first part of the spinoff, please be noted that this isn't meant to make total sense, it's just a spinoff of the main story :) )


The day started out fine, everything being really calm, yet boring as per usual.

School seemed to be that way, especially when you're one of those people who don't have any friends to hang out with. A pair of stuck-up, sassy girls would always come to bother you, and honestly, they somehow knew what to say to make you feel down and upset.

Today seemed like an okay day, mostly because those girls never approached you yet, and it was lunch time. Most of the time they would bully you around the yard, or maybe in the hallways every so often. How come they didn't today? Did they really give up on you? If so, that would be the most happiest thing to ever happen to you.

"[Y/n], I swear if you don't help me on that group project—,"

"I will," you quickly replied. "Just please don't, um, do what you did last time.."

"Yeah, sure," she said with a subtle roll of her eyes. "I'm going now."

That was your science classmate, Seyeon. She's the type that usually skips out on projects and makes up stupid excuses to cover it up. She's really pretty, and for some reason the teacher always forgives her.

The paper lunch bag in your hand suddenly felt heavy, even though there was just a few rice balls inside. You sat down in a nearby empty table, no one to talk with, and no one to trade food with, just as friends would usually do.

You took out a rice ball from the paper bag, biting into it with a blank face. Nothing tastes good anymore, not even Seokjin's cooking that he puts so much time in.

"Hey," you heard from behind you. "I-Is this s-seat free?"

You swallowed your food and sighed. "Yes, it is.."


You didn't care to look, you knew that it was just another person who just wanted a seat, not to talk to you.

The rice balls tasted more bland than ever, and your eyes seemed to un-focus as you sat there. The other person didn't speak a word to you, nor to any other people they might be friends with. Maybe they're like you... friendless.

"Um, wh-what's your name?"

"[Y/n]," you mumbled.

"Th-That's a nice n-name. I-I'm Minseon."

"...Do you have friends?" you asked quietly, finishing up your rice ball.

"Yeah," they replied.

You sighed, choosing not to eat any more food. "Of course you do. Everyone has friends."

"Does th-that mean that y-you have friends?"

"No. I don't have anyone."

"Then... w-would you be my—?"

"Minseon!" a loud voice boomed throughout the cafeteria.

You looked up, and there before you stood three boys, one with orange hair, another with red hair, and the other with black hair. Each one of them looked different, in a strange way, it seemed. You couldn't put your finger on it.

"Halloween is tomorrow, Minseon!" yelled the raven-haired boy.  "I thought you were gonna dress up with our group! How come you sent us that message last night?!"

You turned to the boy sitting across from you, seeing if he was gonna leave the table to go with his loud friends.  But you couldn't believe it when you saw a familiar face.

The one from your house last night.

"Y-You!"  you said with your mouth agape, genuinely shocked to see him.  "You were at my house last night!"

The three boys standing by the table seemed really surprised and confused by your statement.  Minseon gave you a look that probably meant something, before he stood up and grabbed your arm, leading you out into an empty hallway.

"What w-were you thinking!"  he whispered, his hand still wrapped around your wrist.  "You can't g-go and say stuff l-like that!  P-People will get t-the wrong idea!"

"Sorry..,"  you muttered with a sigh.  "I didn't know it would affect you so much.  It's true though, you were at my house."

"H-How would you know?"

"I seen your face."

"Minseon!"  said the raven-head as he came into the hallway.

"Is everything okay over here?"  the cute orange-haired boy asked.

"Yeah, e-everything's fine,"  Minseon said.

'No, it's not.  I want answers,'  you thought.

"Hey, Min..  Do you know this girl?"  the raven-head asked as he approached the said individual.

"Yes.. a-and no..?"


You felt uncomfortable just standing there in the midst of this conversation.  You wanted to leave.  You didn't want to be here.  It's not like you'll see them again, they don't need you anyway. 

"I-I need to go,"  you quickly announced before running off into a random direction, purposely forgetting your lunch bag in the cafeteria.

You closed the front door behind you as you stepped into the house you called home.  Your foot slightly dragged, hurting like pins and needles.

"Honey, how was school?"  Seokjin asked as he noticed you by the door.

You gave him a small smile.  "It was okay, I guess."

"Are you gonna be something for Halloween tomorrow?"  he smiled back and passed you a cup of water as you neared the kitchen entrance.

"Hmm..  I think maybe I'll be a..,"  you trailed, thinking of possible costumes.

"How about a witch?"  a cheerful voice suggested from behind you.

"Hoseok!  Where were you?"

"Just work.  Listen, when you get older [Y/n], make sure you choose the right job,"  Hoseok chuckled, a long yawn coming after.

You have a small smile.  "Go get some rest, Hoseokie."

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
Hi again.  Please forgive me for being so inactive on Wattpad (with my usual updates)...  I've been trying, really really hard.  Please just wait a bit longer, and I will try to the very best of my abilities to update Rain again on an almost regular basis.

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