19| True Form

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The darkness surrounded you, covering and protecting you like a blanket or a hug from a mother.  You sure didn't like the darkness, being able to see nothing just scared you, making you jump out of your unconscious slumber.  Your eyes squinted, not used to the sudden light in the quiet, eerie room you were in right now. 

'Where am I?'

You tried to open your mouth to call out to someone, anyone—but all you got was a muffled scream then silence.  Not a word left you.  Your mouth was taped and your wrists hurt.  That's when you clued in that someone kidnapped you.  You struggled to move your hands from the harsh, tight piece of rope around them, your legs were also tied up.

'Wh-what am I going to do? I don't like this place!'

The sound of heels clacking on the concrete flooring forced you to snap away from your scared thoughts.

"Hello there, [Y/n]."  Dahyun said.  You were fairly confused of why this waitress kidnapped you.  What was so special about yourself? You wanted to scream at her so bad for kidnapping you.  She smirked, and shrunk into a girl about your age?!

'What the!?'

The little girl smiled at you, but it wasn't a warm, gentle or even a soft smile; it was far more worse than that.  Just seeing it scared you to death.  This girl was truly a nightmare.  "Here, I'll rip that off for you, dear friend,"

She pulled the duck tape harshly off your lips, making you slightly scream after.  "What do you want from me!!"  You shouted, fresh hot tears streaming from your [E/c] eyes.

She grinned an evil grin.  "It's not what I want..."

"It's what I want."  A man's voice added.  You looked behind the girl to notice it was a guy, a very scary guy indeed.  His hair was black as the night sky; his eyes brown, yet held so much anger and rage.  You sent him a frightened look, earning a dark chuckle from him. "Dahee, sweetie, go play in your room. Oppa is gonna have some fun with little [Y/n] here,"

You felt like crying. It was Dahee, your ex-best friend. All this time for six years... was she waiting to do this to you? Hot tears rolled down on your cheeks, your hand flinched since you wanted to wipe them, not wanting to look weak to Lee. Yes, you definitely remembered his name.

"Now now, don't cry. I'll be gentle. I promise," The way he said 'promise' sent shivers down your spine. You feared what he was about to do to you.  Lee stared at your neck, you looking confused and afraid. He licked his lips, smirking. "After trying your blood so long ago... I needed to have it again, but don't flatter yourself. I'm doing this for many different reasons [Y/n].."

"S-stay away from me!!"  You screamed, but it was no use now, he already had you in a strong grip as he pierced your innocent skin with sharp canines.  It was a clear sign a couple of seconds ago from the way he looked at you, you knew he was a vampire.

"L-Let g-go of........me.."

*An hour ago*

"Namjoon-hyung, why don't you go check on [Y/n], she's surely been taking her time in the bathroom."  Taehyung suggested, since Namjoon was able to leave the table at ease, since he wasn't squeezed between other people.

"Yeah, I'll go check."  He said with a nod, getting up from the table and walking towards the area with two doors.  He knocked on the Ladies Restroom door, speaking hopefully loud enough for [Y/n] to hear.  "[Y/n]!  Are you alright in there?  Jimin said he was gonna share your food with Jungkook and Taehyung if you don't come back!"  No response.  How odd.

'She's okay..  right?'

"That's it, I'm coming in!"  He covered his eyes and opened the door, noticing how nice it smelt in the room but also how eerily quiet it was.  "[Y/n]?  Hello?  It's Joonie-oppa!"

He was starting to worry.  Where was his precious angel [Y/n]?

"I'm— I'm checking the stalls!"  He slowly and hesitantly uncovered his eyes, feeling embarrassed about looking under the stall doors one by one.

"[Y/n]??"  Namjoon scratched the top of his head, feeling confused all the sudden.  She wasn't here.  He decided to grab another person from his group because maybe she got lost?  Though that seemed highly unlikely of her to do, it was still a possibility.

"Hey Taehyung, could you lend me a hand?  I can't find [Y/n]."  Namjoon whispered, not wanting to worry the others.  "Please,"

"Yeah, okay.  She was in the bathroom last, right?"  Taehyung repeated, wanting to make sure she wasn't somewhere's else before. 


Taehyung searched the whole bathroom, not even a single sign that [Y/n] was here.  That scared him.  Where was she?  She wasn't this careless, ever.  He decided to search the first stall once again for the third time.  "Na-Nam-Namjoon-hyung..."

"What?  What is it?"  Namjoon came up behind Taehyung to see that he was staring at something on the floor.  [Y/n]'s little snowflake barrett.  "Why's this here?"

Taehyung turned around to face Namjoon, though hesitant, he spoke slowly.  The older becoming concerned from the look Taehyung had gracing his features.  Fear.

"Hy-Hyung... I think [Y/n]'s be-been kidnapped!"

— A/N —

Have a good day/night!

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