42| After Effects

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Jungkook pulled away, a look of horror in his red eyes.

He did that to you...

He didn't even mean to!

His body... it.. took over him.

There was no self-control.

Jungkook couldn't bare to look at your weakened state, it made him feel guilty, he just bit his sister!

"..[Y/n].. I-I...  I swear, I d-didn't do that on purpose..!!" he admitted, stumbling backwards a bit, shocked as well as confused at himself. "I–  I never meant to!"

You only looked at him with sympathy in your eyes, though you felt really weak and dizzy, you didn't want to be mad at him for something he said he never meant to do. "It's.. it's fine.." you breathed in slowly, feeling your consciousness slipping away by the second.

'Why am I so dizzy? It's like... It's like.....'

You could see the blackness at the corners of your vision, clouding your sight as well as cutting off your senses. You never even heard the worried shouts coming from Jungkook.. or how your head hit the desk with a loud 'thump', yet you didn't feel a thing.

It felt like your head was hit repeatedly in the back with a hammer; what you assumed was a massive headache.

"Hyung.. I-Is she okay?" a shaky voice questioned with clear worry, guilt laced in their tone.

"I'm not sure— wait! She's waking up!"

Your eyes felt heavy, but you still managed to open them, blinking to adjust. You then sat up, looking confusedly at the seven men that stood in the room, crowding the bed you were on. You wondered why they were all staring at you like you almost died.

'Am I okay? What happened?'

Seokjin, who was sitting on a chair by the bed, leaned closer to you and pulled you close in his arms, hugging you tightly as if saying 'you're okay'.  Even when he started speaking, he never let go of you, it's like he was scared you would disappear.

"Sweetie.  Do you.. remember what happened?" he softly spoke.  You shook your head from side to side, glancing at each of the boys with confusion.

"[Y/n]..  You really don't remember?  What I did to you?" Jungkook inquired, a sad look in his dark eyes.  Again, you shook your head as you looked in his direction.  What ever they were talking about was slightly scaring you now.

Seokjin pulled away from you, his embrace was warm but now you're cold without him.  He opened his mouth to speak, but Hoseok already beat him to it.

"Jungkookie..... He bit you." your eyes went wide and your mouth hung slightly open as you heard his words.

'Jungkook?  He bit me?  He wouldn't do that...'

"He did." Seokjin added.

You looked to Jungkook for answers, but instead, he nodded to what the eldest said, looking to the floor and not meeting your eyes.  This made you even more confused rather than upset at the second youngest.  Why can't you remember anything that happened? What are they saying?

"We don't know why you don't remember, but what's what's more concerning is that Jungkook didn't even mean to bite you in the first place...  He never even took that much blood from you, yet you passed out on your desk." Seokjin said, his arms crossed as he stared at the said male.

Yoongi stepped up. "Should we call that witch?" he suggested.

"I'm not sure."

"But shouldn't we?  She told us that if something went wrong or—" Yoongi paused, taking a moment to breathe before continuing. "What if something bad.... What if she's not okay?"

You scratched your head and looked elsewhere while the two oldest talked in the background. You weren't paying attention to them, but rather you were staring at yourself in the small mirror that sat on your dresser, eyes wide.

Is that really you? You look paler than before...

As you stared at yourself, a small light shown in your eyes. You stared, surprised as you looked around frantically for an explanation. And after a bit, you realized their was no source of light where you sat, at least not one that should show up in your eyes like that. What was that glow then?

"Baby? You okay?" you looked to Yoongi who stood to your left, also glancing at the mirror in confusion and slight concern at your actions. "Are you hungry?" he added.

You shook your head. "No, I'm okay."

Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung– who were quiet all this time– suddenly came over to you and hugged you all together. Your arms automatically wrapped as good as they could around the three body's that were sorta squishing you. They all pulled away to let you breathe.

"I'll go get you something to eat.." Namjoon quietly said, stepping off to the side before leaving the room, Taehyung doing the same.

You made grabby hands at Jungkook once Jimin went off to speak to Hoseok. The boy looked up at you with hesitation, the look in his eyes saying he didn't want to hurt you again.

"Kookie-oppa, please? I know you won't hurt me, so stop making that face." you said, seeming like a demand.

Jungkook finally, yet slowly, walked over to you, leaning over and hesitantly wrapping his arms around you. A smile came upon your face as you snuggled closer to him for more warmth. Jimin glanced over and smiled softly at the two of you, Seokjin and basically everyone else in the room was soon doing the same.

"Kookie-oppa. Look, I may not understand what exactly happened to me, or what happened to you. But all I know is that I trust you, Joonie-oppa, Daddy, Yoongi-oppa, Hobi-oppa, TaeTae-oppa, and Jiminie-oppa completely.  Even if one of you hurt me, I'll still love you all the same.  We're family, aren't we?"

Jungkook nodded as he squeezed you tight. "I never meant to hurt you...  You know that, right?" he mumbled.

You nodded, your eyes closed in contentment. "I know you.  I know there was times you tried to bite me, but that was when you all thought I was human.  Now everything is different.  I still trust you Kookie-oppa... please don't ever forget that."

"I won't, and I'm sorry about before."

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
Short, I know.  I would've made it longer but I was planning to go to the next day...  So obviously I'd make that in the next chapter.  Love y'all~

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