100| The Concert (pt.2)

832 42 16

Thursday, April 23rd
— 8:15 p.m.

Hearing ear-piercing, high-pitched, girly screams all around you was quite scary; sometimes you thought some people were being brutally murdered beside the stage because of this. Do they always scream this much? What's the point of it? It's not like it's gonna get them anywhere, all it does it hurt your poor ears.

It's been, what, fifteen minutes since the show started? Yeah. You're already tired of it, but you have to keep going for Minseon's sake, you don't want to make him upset just because you don't enjoy this type of stuff. The sweet smile on his face made your heart race in your chest, pounding so insanely hard against your rib cage that you almost thought it would break through and leap out of your body — not that it would happen though; that is quite impossible.

You felt a small tap on your shoulder. "[Y/n], I-I'll be r-right back. I have to u-use the b-bathroom," Minseon explained quickly before leaving our seating area and disappearing into the crowd.

'He'd be fine by himself, right?' you worried. 'He would be able to find our seats again, right?'

It just wasn't a day-to-day occurrence where Minseon would be left alone like that. But you trusted the brunet boy (even though in the back of your mind you still thought about it), so you turned your worried eyes from the exit and back to the stage, smiling as Taehyung started dancing hard to one of the songs.

Many people came here to see April. You swore there wasn't a single seat left open. Eyes were all on the stage and the bright-haired members who were dancing to—what Taehyung said was—one of their most popular songs, titled 'I Want to Live Again'. It's about a young boy who wandered into a forest of magical creatures and insanely large trees, but then, he got stuck in that mystical world of wonder. He wanted to live again, in the real world, after being in there for many, many years. The boy never aged a second, which was because that world wasn't even real in the first place; it was his imagination the whole time. Turns out that the boy was in a coma, caused by getting hit by a car in a certain way when he was running away from home. He didn't want to accept anything in life, he was tired of living the same thing over and over again. But then he deeply wished to go back home, to his loving parents, his cat (who probably misses him greatly), and to be able to happily wander the streets of his hometown once again. Then he woke up from his deep sleep.

At some point Taehyung started crying at the end of the song, saying it was really getting to him and that he might need a tissue or two. Hoseok laughed and passed him a few tissues that he had stored in his bag.

It was starting to worry you. What was taking Minseon so long? Surely he didn't get lost, right? Maybe he just wasn't feeling quite well. It's been twelve minutes since you last saw the boy, which was worrisome.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked softly, laying his hand upon your shoulder.

You swallowed the worry down and forced a smile. "It's nothing. I'm just waiting for Minseon to get back so he can enjoy the show." Taehyung seemed to buy it for a moment and turned his eyes back to the stage, screaming out lyrics at the top of his lungs.

That was it. You were going to find Minseon.




[ WARNING : lots of blood, mentions of death, hurtful words, and excessive violence up ahead. ]

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