18| All Of Me

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Today was a good day, well, for you of course it was, since it was your favourite holiday of the year; Christmas. All the Christmas carols and presents and stories about Santa Claus... It was just your favourite thing. 

"Hobi-oppa, I'll be right downstairs!" You reminded, changing into a red dress that ended just above your knees. The dress itself was very pretty, but looking at it on you now, it looked even more pretty now that you were the person wearing it. The red dress was not all simple, classic and red; it had small little Christmas trees all over the bottom rim of the dress, giving it the x-mas feel. Your Daddy picked it out for you two days ago.

You smiled at yourself in the big mirror you had one last time, before slowly making your way downstairs, taking your time on the steps because you were wearing short heels. (You've never worn heels before) Seokjin was the first to look at you, his mouth hung open and eyes wide yet happy, clapping soon after. Jungkook looked at Seokjin with a curious face and followed his gaze to you; also having his mouth hung open. Soon everyone was looking at you, who stood at the foot of the staircase, looking pretty and cute.

"Wow... [Y/n].. Sweetie.. Yo-You're so pretty!!" Seokjin screeched, running over to hug your little figure. "Now come on, everyone's ready to go out, so let's go!"

Jungkook along with Namjoon came over and complimented your pretty dress. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin also came over to you straight after them to hug you, also leaving some nice compliments. Yoongi was last but not the least. He gave you a brief yet warm and proud hug, before taking you outside to the others. You all got into a car that Seokjin rented and drove to your destination. A fancy restaurant.

All of you piled in, finding a table and taking your seats. Namjoon on your left while Jimin was on your right, playing with your hair happily.

"Daddy, can I have a glass of water?" You asked, feeling your throat become slightly dry due to the outside air from before. It was pretty cold out there.

"Sure, I'll ask someone for some." Seokjin smiled and looked around for a waiter or waitress. "Excuse me!"

"Yes? How may I help you?" A kind lady asked, smiling gently at Seokjin.

Seokjin smiled back and pointed to you. "My daughter would like a glass of water, please and thank you." The woman nodded and walked off to get your drink.

Namjoon patted your head and smiled, telling you about his past funny experiences when working as a waiter when he was younger. "—the lady just smiled at me and nodded, then turning to her son and whispering to him. It was so funny how she never said a word about my hair, I mean, it's not my fault I got caught in the rain when having my break-time." He laughed.

"Ahem.  Sir, here's your order." A woman said, but it was a different voice from before, yet it looked like the same woman who Seokjin asked about the drink from.

"Yes, thank you very much. Here you go Sweetie~"

You smiled slightly at the woman before taking the drink carefully from Seokjin's hands.

"Oh, and here's seven menus and one kids menu," She said, passing out the menus one by one to each of us, the kids' one obviously going to you. "My name is Dahyun by the way. I'll be back to see if you're ready to order."

"Yes, thank you, Dahyun." Namjoon said with a small smile, watching the woman walk away.

You had this strange gut feeling, and it was scaring you.  It was also confusing you, were you feeling sick?  "Pumpkin, are you okay?"  Hoseok asked, looking concerned, making everyone else at the table glance at you.

You shook your head.  "I'm fine!"  You smiled politely, taking a sip of your water.

"If you say so."  Hoseok said, but you could tell he was a little hesitant.  "Yah, Jungkook what are you ordering?"


"Umm..  I don't feel too well.  I'll be back soon,"  You spoke, moving overtop Namjoon's legs to leave the crowded table and to the bathroom.  Though the second your heel touched the ground beside the table, you seen stars.  You grabbed hold of the table, Namjoon looking at you with a worried expression graced upon his features.

"Are...  Do you need some help there?"  Namjoon whispered quietly, holding you still so you wouldn't fall.

"I'm fine, I don't need help."  You whispered back, collecting yourself and finally leaving to the bathroom.  Getting the door open was hard, you were feeling extremely dizzy; you knew that you would fall any second now, it was just the waiting part.  Opening the nearest stall door, you pushed yourself in, locking the door and sealing yourself inside the small room.  You felt your breathing getting heavy and slow; your eyes feeling droopy yet you tried so hard to stay awake.  The sound of the bathroom door opening and then shutting caught your attention just a bit, but you simply thought it was another person just wanting to use the toilet. 

Your breathing was loud, though it was heavy.  Heels clicking and clacking on the white tile floor stopped when they reached your stall.  You could barely even move a muscle, all you could do was struggle to keep your eyes open.  Your stall door clicked and opened slowly, revealing a familiar person, what was her name again?


Why was she standing in front of you, staring at you like a predator to it's prey?  It sure creeped you out.

"Shhh, it'll all be okay [Y/n].  Soon you won't feel a thing and you'll just be floating...  And floating...  And floating... Until you meet me in hell."

And that's all you heard before you blacked out.

Why did her voice sound so familiar, almost like you heard it before, and it left a pain in your heart just to hear it.

'What will she do to me?'

— A/N —
Not much needed to be said here, just waiting for you guys to guess who kidnapped [Y/n] and why she passed out. Hehe

Have a lovely day/night!

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