65| I'll Love You Forever

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[ WARNING:  this chapter contains some violence and suicidal thoughts.  Please be aware. ]

[ Long chapter ahead! ;) ]

Your eyelids felt heavy, the feeling of collapsing coming down in a strong wave onto your body. With loss of sleep and starvation— you kinda wanted it all.... to end......  the easy way.

"Tch, tch...  My, my.  Look at Princess, so tired and hungry...  You want a snack~?"  the dark-haired man teased once again for the fifth time, poking at your arms and legs, but you gave not one word of protest, your mind too dizzy and foggy to even move your mouth to speak an utter word.  You felt numb.

'Please....  Just leave me...alone....'

The man had enough of it.  Teasing you was no fun no more, not now anyway.  He thought at some point you'd break and lash out at him like any other hungry vampire would; but you gave no reaction to his teasing, and it bored him. He wouldn't feed you.  It was strict orders he received from his boss.  So of course he would follow them without a second thought.

You were soon left alone...again.  Left alone to starve, left alone to cry silently, left alone to wish for a way out, left all alone in this blinding white room.  God! You wish you didn't leave that day. You couldn't even manage to look up anymore, the simple movement would cause an immense course of pain throughout your whole being, but even so, you wouldn't scream or make a single sound. It felt as if you lost your voice.

But, you didn't care.

You could've been here for a week.... or even a couple days.  You couldn't tell actually, your track of time was really off.  You wouldn't even know if it was day or night in this darn place, knowing there was no windows at all, literally nowhere.

A hoarse groan escaped you when your head was suddenly, out of nowhere, filled with a bunch of— plans..?

'What the heck? Where'd these come from?'

Your body continued to sit still, you couldn't move much anyways. All those plans flooded through your head like a virus you couldn't stop, confusion shining in your red eyes. You pondered for a bit as to where these came from, because you most definitely know that you didn't think of these on purpose.


The more you thought of them, the more they appeared clearer. This was due to your exhaustion: it fogged up your mind and memories, making it quite hard to think of things.

One of the plans quickly became clear as crystal, but why did it look like a bomb placement plan? No. Maybe a break in? Possibly. God, this seriously confused you.

"Is something wrong, Princess? Gonna lash out at me? Hmmm~?" you would've literally jumped out of the seat, but you remained still and quiet. The man tilted his head to the side, an unreadable expression in those dark, evil eyes.

He chuckled, disappointed. "Wow, you really can't move, huh?" he said, leaning closer to you. "I guess you can last only three days..." he mumbled under his breath, but with super hearing you could hear him clearly as if he spoke aloud.

'I've been here for three days?!'

He noticed that shocked look in your eyes, chuckling, he said, "Yes, it's been three days. You probably thought you were here longer, didn't you?"

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