37| Meeting

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"But oppa...!  Look, I'm fine now!  I can go to school now.." I whined, tugging on Yoongi's shirt while he tried to pry me off him.

"You know darn well that you're not even close enough to go back yet.  You don't know when it will get so bad that you'll almost hurt someone—"

"Yoongi!" Seokjin called, entering the kitchen. "Why don't you go teach her some tips or something?  She's just bored."

"Yeah, you're right.  Come on [Y/n]."

"But I don't wanna..."

two days later

[3rd Person POV]

The car wasn't working today, so Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, along with the sleeping Taehyung and Jimin, stayed behind.  You stepped outside the apartment, your cozy boots standing in the cold, white blanket of snow covering the ground that gave off a magical feel.  Yoongi and Jungkook came up behind you, the older of all three of you snaking his arm comfortably around your shoulders, keeping you close and warm.

You looked up when you felt a small, cold sensation on your nose.  A snow flake.  One after the other; soon it was snowing again.  All you could do was smile as you and your two brothers made your way through the winter wonderland to school.  At least you wouldn't be late since everyone woke up too early by mistake.

"Yoongi-oppa, isn't it beautiful?" you softly asked, your eyes shined with amazement and wonder.

The said male looked at you with a small smile. "What is?"

"The snow." mesmerizing was it all, and even though it was getting colder as you ventured to your destination, the two brothers you cared about so much kept you warm beside them.

"I like snow," you caught Jungkook mumbling, smiling unknowingly to himself.

After quite awhile of walking, the school gates soon came into view of the three of you. Some kids were surrounding the gate, probably waiting for their friends to arrive or to just hang there until the bell rang. Your eyes wandered the school grounds for a moment in hoping, wondering if your friends were inside already or still getting here. But you couldn't erase the unconscious smile that stretched onto your rosy lips when you caught the sight of the familiar hair colors:  black, red, and vibrant orange.

It's like the second you noticed them, without even calling their names or approaching them, they seemed to have already seen you.  Three happy boys ran over to you and squeezed you tight in a group hug.

And you couldn't breathe.

"Whoa, whoa!  Calm down, jeez.." you huffed, pushing them off you one by one with a small amount of the inhuman strength you had within you.

"I just– I can't anymore!" Changjae dramatically fainted into Eric's arms, making you slightly laugh but you quickly hid it when you spotted Jaemin far back behind the boys, quietly watching your group.

"What?" you questioned, everyone already forgetting about Jungkook and Yoongi's presence behind your form.

Kyungsoo sighed before placing both his hands on your shoulders. "WHERE.  WERE.  YOU!?" he screeched, shaking you.

"I was—" you never got the chance to explain to your concerned friends when Jungkook spoke over you, cutting your sentence off.

Rain || BTS x Child readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin