15| Operation: Catch the guy

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You started to follow the figure, wanting to know who it was or at least where it was heading.

If you're wondering what just happened, let's go back in time just a bit to see....


You jumped into bed, turning your light off after covering up with your fluffy sheets and snuggling your Teddy Plushie.

Yawning, you softly closed your eyes; feeling sleep take over your consciousness.

Next thing you know, you're being rudely woken up by the sound of a door shut—more like your door. (You're a light sleeper)

Being quite creeped out, you crawled out of bed, quietly tip-toeing over to the door and creaking it open just a enough that you could see down the hallway. You were just in time to notice a shadowy figure exit the hallway, making their way downstairs.

*Flashback End*

Sadly, it was too dark in the house that you couldn't catch a glimpse of the persons face (though you could tell it was a guy), but you were reminded of something that happened just like this.

'The guy from the other night! Could that be him?'

You couldn't stop him from leaving or you'd blow your cover, so you decided on making Operation: Catch The Guy.

Starting tomorrow night, you were going full on spy on him.

Sunday night:

You decided on watching him from the moment he leaves—which was usually midnight—to hopefully see whoever it is. But on nights like these, you had to stay extra quiet and be extra extra sneaky, because it was a school night.

Monday was tomorrow, and you don't wanna meet the wrath of an angry Seokjin....it's not pretty.

It's quite scary, honestly.

Anyways, back to the topic.

You watched him pass by your door, heading downstairs to the front door again.

'I wonder why this person leaves only at midnight?'

You quickly but quietly snuck over to the staircase and somehow made your way down without making a sound.

Bless your sneakiness.

With watchful and careful eyes, you followed the figure to the window as it left the house through the door, the moon giving off a small bit of light just to let you see their lips.

'Hmmm... Not enough profile for me to tell who it is.'

Monday night:

You woke up the same as last night, but you almost tripped on one of your teddy slippers laying by the door.

You regretted leaving it there this morning.

'I...should probably watch where I lay my belongings from now on if I'm gonna stop myself from getting caught.'

The figure once again entered the hallway, going it's usual route to the exit of the house.

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