26| Gazes

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The cafeteria was huge. Where would you sit though, didn't school have these "groups" or was that just in the movies? Hm. Without thinking, you walked over to a table, soon being kindly rejected and had to go to the next, and the next, then the next. . Until someone called you out.

"Hey new girl!" a deep voice shouted, earning curious glances from other people who wanted to know what was going on. Sooner then you thought, the whole school was staring at you with confusion, excitement, anger, and tons of other emotions you could name. But it was all because of this one guy who thought I'd be nice to embarrass you on your first day. Lovely.

You felt heat go to your cheeks as you became flustered and confused, cowering in all the gazes towards you. Turning to the owner of the voice, you froze in your spot upon seeing him.

He was so hot!

Whoa I need to calm down. Yeah he's hot and all but I don't wanna like him, he's technically the cause of this, this - whatever this is that's happening. Ugh.

The male you were staring at had soft and shiny black hair, his brown eyes piercing your soul.

The guy stood up, seeming much taller than you. As he started to make his way over to your form, you thought of escape plans. Of course you wanted to leave so badly. This was embarrassing enough.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." you snapped out of your thoughts and glanced slowly up at him. He made you feel small under his gaze with his piercing gaze. "What's your name new girl?"

Getting tired of his "nickname" you huffed quietly, staring into his deep brown eyes. "For your information it's Kim [Y/n], not new girl." you corrected, overhearing a couple people in the background saying "Oh she did not" or "Oh my!"

With a smirk — which you did not expect even in the slightest — he lifted your chin up to look at his face, you watching confusedly how that smirk on his lips turned into a gentle, welcoming smile. What is with this dude?

"Why don't you join us at our table, [Y/n]," he offered, but the way he worded it made it seem like you had not a choice but to accept. He grabbed your wrist, which sent tingles up your arm and through your whole body from the new touch, which made you blush incredibly.

He's so confusing!

Once he pulled out a chair for you and you placed yourself on the cold surface of it, he began to introduce you to his two other buddies at the table.

"[Y/n], this is Song Eric. Eric, this is Kim [Y/n]." said the ravenette next to you, pointing at a quite equally hot guy with dyed red hair and dark eyes.  The image of Jungkook appeared in your mind, just without the red hair.

Isn't he at least gonna tell me his own name?

Eric smiled at you, taking your hand in his as he kissed it softly, making you turn into a blushing tomato again.  What were with these guys!  So flirty.

"Hi [Y/n]," a different, more softer, warmer voice greeted. Turning your attention to the beholder, you smiled slightly since he was so cute with his shining eyes and adorable, fluffy-looking orange hair. Ugh these boys are doing things to me! I don't like this. "I'm Oh Changjae!  It's so nice meet you!  We don't usually hang out with girls but—"

"—we," the still unknown male beside you added, glaring hard at Changjae, which made him lower his gaze and lean back in his seat, away from you. "But we are willing to surpass that because I kinda like you [Y/n].  You're very. .  interesting." he grinned, laying his head on his hand.

Interesting? Not in the slightest. These guys give me weird vibes. . .

"Umm.  You forgot to introduce yourself." you bluntly added.  But he simply laughed it off lightly, turning to you and booping your nose, making your cheeks heat up again.

"My name is Bi Kyungsoo. I'm pretty sure I'm older then you. Fifteen by the way, so are my friends over here." he said with a small smile. At least you know his name now and the whole schools' attention isn't on you anymore. "You. ." leaning in towards you, he sniffed the air between you both, earning really confused looks from you as well as his friends, who also sniffed the air.

"What? I what?" you mumbled quietly, thinking maybe you stink. But how? You showered before you got here so that's not possible, right?

He pulled back from you, a smirk evident on his lips, confusing you even more. "You stink," he whispered to you.

Insulted, you instantly pushed him away lightly, raising your voice a little bit but not enough to attract attention as the cafeteria was full of busy chit-chat anyway. "I do not! Let me tell you that I showered before I came here."

"Hmm. Fine then." he grinned, looking almost satisfied with your reaction. Suddenly his tone turned slightly serious but his eyes held a strange, unreadable look. "Hey, give me your phone." he ordered.

Like heck I'd give a strange kid my phone. I just met you, you know!

As if he could read my mind, he added that he wasn't gonna do anything bad. "Just give me your phone please," he repeated, making a small grabby gesture with his hand towards you.

You sighed, reaching in your pocket for your device. With a sorta bored look upon your face, you passed him your phone, silently pleading that he wouldn't give it a virus or something. When he gave it back to you though, it was perfectly fine like nothing happened to it. A confused yet curious look in your eyes, raising an eyebrow as you stared questionably at Kyungsoo.

He winked, smirking lightly. "Don't worry. You'll see."

— A/N —
OooOOOOoooOO! Three new guys?! What do you think Kyungsoo did? Make your guess in the comments~

To be continued

Rain || BTS x Child readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora