63| Fake Smile

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Your eyes were a dangerous red, something you haven't witnessed before. Usually when you didn't have blood your eyes would only glint a sort of faint red, but for some reason right now they glowed brightly; your hunger rising and causing you to slip out a small growl. If you looked around all you could see was red. Everything was red.

No one came in your view for what felt like hours— your throat burned with each breath you took, feeling like you were on fire, your whole body was hot. You couldn't cry, you refused to. What if they thought you were weak? Compared to those strong vampires out there— you felt weak, so.. so weak.

You laid there, suffering, in immense pain that was increasing by the minute.  Your fangs poked desperately at your bottom lip, causing it to bleed but did you care?  No, not at this second.  Feeling lightheaded and drowsy still, you rolled your head around, trying to get comfortable in hopes that being in a better position would help with the pain.  Which, unfortunately, didn't work at all.

At this point you didn't care where the blood came from.  Your lips were chapped as you licked them in desire and want, daydreaming of having a nice, fresh cup of blood while watching your favourite movie at home.  You instantly frowned, a tear slipping out of your eye, a whimper leaving your lips as you tried to curl up but struggled with the uncomfortable metal holding you down securely.  You honestly wouldn't be surprised if you failed to stand once you get out of here... if you even can.

Your breathing was off, not normal and not quite calm. Of course you wouldn't be calm, you're in a unknown place for crying out loud!

'I want to leave,'

Instead of the evil dark-haired man, a strange, pretty woman who also was adorned with a white lab coat, stood in your view, even when your eyes kept on shutting due to exhaustion. The woman only smiled at you in slight pity, yet she held herself back from touching you, a little fear in her eyes. Just from looking at her, you could tell she was unsure and not quite clear on what she was doing.

"A-Are you really a... a royal?" she stammered out of the blue, confusing you as you surely thought she'd zap you again, just like the evil man did.

You furrowed your brows a bit, staring at her with pure confusion and unsureness, really not understanding what she wanted, or even why she asked in the first place. Who was she anyway? You only thought you'd see "evil man" for the rest of your time here. Maybe there were others besides him?

"I.. I don't u-underst-stand..." you replied back weakly, holding onto whatever last energy you had left, your red eyes boring into her white coat.

The woman sighed quietly, inching a little closer to you. You honestly wondered how badly tired you looked in her eyes. "Are you really a royal-blood?" she repeated the question this time with not a single stutter or uneasiness.

'Why's she here anyway?'

You frowned, a small downwards motion to your lips as you closed your eyes, wanting to sleep for as long as you possibly can, not feeling like sitting and staring at this lady forever. "Y-yes.. I-I'm a.. a royal-blood..." you answered, your eyes shut close but you were still listening to your surroundings.

"A true royal-blood.." the woman muttered to herself, and unbeknownst to you, she was smiling.

Yeonmi groaned frustratedly, slamming her fists onto the coffee table. She pulled at her hair just as Jungkook entered the room, the young male rushed over and embraced his girlfriend.

"Babe... what's wrong?" he cooed, giving a small and worried pout.

"I just can't figure out how to get in!" she said, raising her voice a little louder since she was really frustrated. "I know what it looked like before, but God knows now! I haven't been there in so long, they could've fixed the security system or made the doors more harder to get through. Or maybe they've hidden the lab so no one can find it unless they're a freaking genius!"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend's behaviour, gently pressing his lips on her forehead. "Listen. Maybe if we look at it together—"

"I know how to get in!"

Yeonmi jumped and turned to face the one who shouted. She furrowed her brows again and stood up to walk to them. "Taehyung, I don't think—.." the other male's lips formed a small frown, Yeonmi's eyes instantly softened. "Okay... What do you have in mind?"

Underneath that seemingly nice facade, the man smirked as the young woman left his office, his eyes glimmering a familiar purple.

"I'll have you know I can see through your act, Mr. Na." a soft voice spoke, the door to the male's office shutting as a different woman appeared; this one's hair was shorter and was dyed a lighter brown.

The man chuckled, almost silently, smiling at the new visitor. "What act? I'm not putting up any act, Miss. Han." he grinned, leaning back on his office chair, twirling his pen around with his rough fingers.

"Don't lie to me, I know you better than anyone else here," she sighed as she rolled her eyes and pulled out a chair, gracefully sitting down in that pencil skirt of hers. "Your son, how is he?" she asked.

The man visibly frowned at the mentioning of his son. He despises his mere presence, his face, his personality. Hates him, even. The male looked off to the side for a brief moment, cooling himself down. "He's been fine." he said in a harsher tone than he meant to.

Miss. Han's lips tugged down into a subtle frown, turning to look at the small, half-filled shelves beside Mr. Na's desk; her eyes scanning over all the untouched books he had neatly stacked on them.  Why'd he have so many?  Why does he lie to everyone?  The woman closed her eyes for a second before facing Mr. Na again.

"How come I never see him anymore?  You remember how I used to babysit him when— when your wife was alive."  she inquired with a cautious gaze, watching the man's facial features for anything strange.  She's been quite sceptical the past few years, ever since she noticed Mrs. Na– her best friend– at the convenience store with visible bruises on her wrists and arms, even some on her legs.  Miss. Han has been suspecting the man of abuse ever since then.  But now she's suspecting he's abusing his son as well, since his wife is gone.

"How old would he be now? Thirteen? Fourteen?"  she wondered aloud, her newly painted nails tapping against the clean wood of his desk.

The man sighed.  "Fifteen, actually."  he muttered out, just to get the woman to stop rambling on and on.

"Oh, well, I remember how I was at that young, rebelling age—...  Is something wrong, Mr. Na?"  she questioned seeing as the man in front of her was clenching and unclenching his fists, his eyes closed.  Is he frustrated?  Angry?  Is it because I'm talking about his son?  she thought with a small frown on her lips.

Mr. Na shook his head as he huffed out some air and stood up abruptly.  "I think I need some fresh air, Miss. Han.  I'll be right back."  he gritted his teeth as he spoke.  Miss. Han furrowed her brows as the man left his office, a strange gleam in his eyes.  She could've sworn she seen them turn purple, but who would believe that?  She didn't even believe it herself.

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
Pretty boring chapter if you ask me.  I could've done better but I'm leaving the best for some other time :)

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