45| Friends?

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The soft knocking on your door woke you up. You groggily look up towards the locked door at the other end of your room, rubbing your eyes and yawning.

'They're still trying to talk to me. I want to.... but I don't at the same time...'

A couple more knocks were heard outside your door, then silence. Yeah you felt bad, but you were confused and upset. You don't want to talk to anyone today. Luckily for you, school was again today, and that's your escape.

Hopping out of bed, you grabbed your uniform that was hanging up neatly behind your door, quickly changing and gathering your stuff.  You sigh softly as you brushed your hair in the mirror while humming a small tune.  Once finished, you turned around and picked up your black backpack before running out the door.

You pant heavily as you stop in front of the school sign by the gate. You're proud you made it before the bell rang.

"Hey, [Y/n]!"

You look up to see a smiling Changjae, along with Eric and Kyungsoo, who were looking around and chatting about stuff behind the excited werewolf.

You smile and wave back as you walked up to them.  "Hi, Changjae."  you greeted.

The werewolf smiled. "Guess what~". he sang, reaching into his pocket.

"What?" you questioned, watching him pull out a phone with a simple red casing, waving it in front of your face.

"I found your phone!" he said as he passed you the device, your eyes wide as a smile formed on your lips.

You jumped up and down, happily excepting the phone from his hands. "Really?!" you exclaimed, catching the two werewolves attention behind you and Changjae. "Wow! Thank you Changjae!" you smiled as you grabbed the said boy and pulled him into a hug, him wrapping his arms around your back instantly.

You both pulled away when the bell rang, all the nearby students quickly getting inside for classes, including you and your werewolf friends.

The teacher constantly spoke about things you weren't really paying attention to at the moment, it was really hard with all the glances Jacob keeps giving you. 

'He's making me confused!'

You sigh as you lightly tap your pencil against the wooden desk, trying hard to focus on the lesson at hand.  You set your chin upon your palm, keeping eyes on the teacher while ignoring Jacob who sorta gave up on gaining your attention for now.  The clock above the chalkboard made a tick every time the hand moved closer to the time that the bell would ring.


And there goes the bell.

You gathered your stuff up as you stood up from your seat, passing by all the chattering students on your way to the open door that led to the now filled hallways.  As you looked around for Kyungsoo so you both could go to class together, you felt a small tug on your sleeve, making you furrow your eyebrows and turn around only to face Jacob Kim.

You blink in silence as you stared at him. "Um... hi?" you say loud enough so he could hear you, even though your voice came out sorta quiet and nervous.

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