58| Crimson

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"You cheater!!"  Taehyung growled.

Your mouth hung agape.  "Eh!?  Me?  Cheater?!  No, that's not correct."  you huffed and crossed your arms, looking off to the side, pretending to be sassy.

"Taehyung, calm down!"  the eldest warned, shaking his head at the younger.  "Let's tone it down guys, no need to fight over a board game.  That's something children do."  he sighed, rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"Such kids,"  Namjoon mumbled, earning warning glares from you and Taehyung.  "Why can't you two just forgive and forget?"

Jimin sighed, leaning back against the couch.  "And this is why I always hide the board games."  he added.

"Umm, but we just started like 7 minutes ago..?" Yeonmi stated in more of a questionable manner. She frowned confusedly and looked around at everyone.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders and whispered a quick, "they do this all the time." Yeonmi sighed but nodded, still confused at the situation as she leaned her back against her boyfriend's chest.

Taehyung whined, continuing on as everyone groaned in annoyance at you two. "—but that was all I had, you cheater, scammer, evil—"

"No, you're being mean to me!" you said, pouting. "I was playing fair, but for some reason you think I cheated! That's so stupid!"

"Okay, okay. Break it up, break it up!" Seokjin shouted as he stood on his feet, staring at the two of you intensely as you both stared back at him with the same intensity. "Stop fighting over a game. It's useless. Why don't we do something else for awhile?" he suggested, earning loud and relieved shouts of agreement.

"Ughhhh, but we just started!" you whined.

"Yeah!" Taehyung agreed.

"You two can play together somewhere's else, 'cause I'm not hearing you two fight again. And if I do," he grinned and leaned down to your level. "..you both lose your devices for the rest of the day. How's that?"

After what happened in the living room, Taehyung and you both settled on playing Mario Cart for awhile. Playing board games was never a good idea from the start— it all started when you tried playing Monopoly with your brothers for the very first time. You've never played any board games (until three years ago), but Taehyung thought I'd be fun to try out something new; so he traveled to the nearest toy store and bought the game. He brought it home and you all gathered to play in the living room, wearing smiles of excitement. It didn't take very long before you whined loudly, crying out that Taehyung was cheating. He sure looked taken aback and slightly offended at the statement, and so that's when a fight broke out.

Board games + you & Tae = bad.

Video games sometimes had the same outcome but it wasn't so extreme. (You both wouldn't ever hurt one another in your whole lifetime. All you two did was yell back and fourth for long periods of time until someone got really annoyed and ended the game.)

Jimin was smart enough to hide the games in his closet— don't tell him you know that!— so no more fights would happen. Thankfully, Taehyung hasn't found the hiding spot for the games yet.

The door knob moved down from the corner of your eye, your attention more onto the game when you caught yourself glancing away from the bright colored screen.  Distractions are not what you need at the moment.  Losing would cause you sadness and give Taehyung the feel of victory... again.  You can't lose this time.

"Guys,"  a male voice called out.  When you nor Taehyung gave any signs of caring, the male's voice grew annoyed.  "Guyyyyys."

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