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You grabbed the cup of tea carefully, since your hands were a little shaky from being so nervous. Minseon had came to visit so suddenly, and you honestly weren't really prepared for this surprise. Just five minutes ago you were reading a good novel, when the doorbell unexpectedly went off with a loud ding that echoed throughout the house. You cautiously stepped out of your room, all alone in the house since your brothers left around twenty minutes ago to the 'food bank'.

"Ah... Minseon?" you said with a small smile, eyes widened slightly with surprise. But under that pretty smile you were nervous to see the boy.

"[Y-Y/n], can I-I co-come in?" he smiled back, looking rather confident in something, and that something made your curiosity rise as to why he had come here in the first place.

You entered the living room to see the cute human boy sitting beautifully on your couch, a dazed smile across his lips. That also made your curiosity rise.

"M-Miseon, here's your tea.." you trailed off, carefully passing the warm cup to the brunette who held it with a lovely smile.

"Th-Thanks, [Y/n]." he replied, moving to the right so you could sit down beside him. You shyly giggled and placed yourself a bit away from him, not wanting to get too close just yet.

Minseon's dark brown eyes calmly scanned the room's decor, the boy breaking out in small smiles at the adorable pictures hung up on the wall of your brothers and you when you were very young. He continued to look around some more, a content smile still plastered on his beautiful lips. Your eyes widened and you turned to look away, a shy blush covering up your cheeks in a warm blanket. How could I think of that! He probably doesn't even...

You coughed slightly and faced the brunette, hoping the pink hue had disappeared. "S-So why're you here, Minseon?" you asked, placing your hands on your lap.

"I-I wanted t-to v-visit you, is th-that so wrong?" he responded, turning to face you as well.

You quickly shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up again. "No! No, not at all!"

Minseon smiled warmly at you before engulfing you in a hug that strangely sent tingles down your spine, a pink hue dusting across your cheeks at the boy's mere touch. You sat there in content, not really wishing for the young human to let go, his enticing scent of chocolate with faint mint sent you into spell of dizziness.

"S-Sorry," you frowned evidently when Minseon pulled away from you, wearing a small smile of apology. "I g-got too c-carried a-away." he added with a short chuckle.

"So.. why are you really here? I feel as if there's another reason... Is that true?" you questioned with a curious gaze.

The boy blushed and looked off to the side, shyly swiping his bangs out of his face. "Y-Yeah..." he mumbled in reply, fiddling with his fingers that laid on his lap.  "I-I wanted to ta-talk w-with you.."

You nodded.  "Okay. About what?"  you asked, subconsciously moving a little closer to the boy.

"I-It's, um,"  he blinked and looked away.  He must've lost his confidence, it seems.

Minseon looked up to you slowly, his dreamy dark chocolate eyes kept you held within his warm gaze, your cheeks warming a light red hue.  The both of you subconsciously moved closer on instinct, your thighs softly hitting his as you stopped right beside him.

"Hm?"  you hummed in question, keeping your eyes locked on his, the silence drove you both insane.

"I..."  he whispered so softly, carefully, as if he spoke any louder he'd ruin the moment.  He moved closer.

"..w-wanted to..."  he gently caressed your cheek, rubbing his thumb across your soft skin.

"..kn-know i-if you..."  he locked gazes with yours, his chocolate eyes blazing with a burning desire for something, almost sparkling under the natural light the window emitted.

"..wa-wanted to k-kiss me."  he finished with a soft exhale, the two of you growing closer by the second.

Your lips tugged into a small smile as you moved your hand to lay upon his.  "I'd..."  you blushed lightly as he started to move his face towards yours.  "..love to."

Minseon slowly placed his lips against your own pair, so soft and luscious, so gentle and sweet.  You both closed your eyes upon contact, relishing the special moment as you never know if this will happen again.  You softly moved your lips against his, feeling instantly inexperienced at this kind of thing.

The human boy moved at the same pace as you, a content smile crept up on your lips as he wrapped his arm around your waist ever so carefully, continuing to kiss your lips.

You never pulled away, instead, things started to go further.  Minseon lightly bit your lip and—

"[Y/n], wake up already!"

You jolted upwards into a sitting position, completely ignoring the fact that Yoongi was clearly standing beside your bed, hands on his hips as he watched you awaken from your deep slumber.

"I-I.."  you remembered the last half of your dream, moving your hand to lightly touch your lips before freaking out on the spot.


♥︎ a/n ♥︎

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