28| Jaemin

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Today was your second day. Smiling happily, you got out of bed to get dressed in the proper uniform for school.  Seokjin made sure to get you one but it wasn't ready until school ended yesterday.

The uniform you wore was a light navy color, having sleeves that thankfully stopped just at your wrist or you'd be having some problems right now.  A small red tie was adorned with it, making the outfit not look so plain.  The skirt was thankfully not too short, Seokjin would be having a fit if it was.  You laughed quietly at the thought.  Two pairs of shoes also came with the uniform.  One pair was for outside while the other was for the inside.  You slipped on the black shoes over your grey knee socks, smiling softly at your cute look when you seen yourself in the mirror in front of you.

You then heard yelling from downstairs, probably Seokjin telling you to hurry up.  With that, you grabbed your [F/c] (favourite color, or could be any color) backpack with all your supplies in it and headed quickly downstairs to the kitchen, Jungkook finishing up the last touches on your lunch box before gently putting it in your bag.  He gave you a bright smile which made you wonder what he was doing with the lunch the eldest made for you. Shrugging it off, you all piled in Namjoon's black van and drove off to school.

Entering the cafeteria, not even getting a moment to find a place to sit since someone called your name before you could.

"[Y/n]! Over here!" a voice shouted, and when you looked in the direction it came from, you sighed heavily seeing Changjae smiling at you while waving constantly. No other choice but to sit with them again.

You placed your yellow bento box on the solid surface of the table, looking over to the unknown kid who joined you guys just a bit ago.

"Who's he?" you whispered to Kyungsoo who was currently stuffing his face full of food.

Swallowing, the ravenette glanced at the kid you were talking about. "Oh. Right. Well, that's Jung Jaemin.  Sorry you couldn't meet him yesterday, he was sick."

"Ah, okay." glancing back over to Jaemin, you couldn't help but feel weird staring at him.  It's like. .  It's like you seen him before.  But how?  Putting on a smile, you reached your hand across the table to the new kid who just stared at your hand. "Hi.  I'm Kim [Y/n].  It's nice to meet you."

Jaemin dark eyes shifted up to look into your eyes.  As you stared back, you ended up retracting your hand to your side since you knew he wasn't gonna shake it any time soon.  This guy. .  He makes you feel strange.

"Are you guys just gonna have a staring contest or are you gonna eat now?" thankfully Eric broke the staring war Jaemin and you had going on.  Shaking your head, you then lifted the cover off the bento box that sat in front of you.

"Woah," a small gasp left your mouth at the adorable artwork Jungkook must've done to your food.

Awwww~  Thank you Kookie-oppa!

The food smelt delicious!  Seokjin had prepared some rice, which Jungkook had made a cute bunny face on it somehow;  grilled chicken along with a little amount of veggies;  and on the side was a small chocolate chip cookie with a smiley face made of chocolate sauce on it.  You couldn't help but smile at the sight, mentally noting to thank Jungkook and Seokjin when you get home after today.

You heard a sigh from Jaemin. Looking up at him you asked, "What's wrong?" he shook his head at you and continued to stare out the window right by your table. "Are you sure?" again, he nodded, but he really did look troubled. . .

He's worrying me.

You looked down at your food before extending your hand towards his to touch it, only to gasp lightly when you seen strange images pop up into your mind. Two adults and a baby, yet there was a distant-looking young boy in the corner of the white room. Scared, you pulled your hand abruptly away from Jaemin, panting while trying to process what just happened.

What. . What the heck just happened there?!

"Are you alright [Y/n]? What's wrong?" worried Changjae who came around the table to check on you, which you thought was sweet of him but you were also too shocked to reply.

"I—I. .  I'll be right b-back,"

You were extremely confused, pacing around in your room the second you arrived home with Namjoon and Taehyung.  No one bothered you and respected your privacy, yet you wished you could have someone to explain what happened back there, in the cafeteria with Jaemin.

Maybe I should put this aside, I'm hungry anyways so. .

With the sudden growling of your stomach, you knew you needed to eat something. "Hmm." you hummed as you went down the stairs on your way to the kitchen.  You opened the pantry and grabbed one of those instant noodle packages, turning back to the kitchen and following the directions to make it.  Once you stirred up your cooked noodles, you sighed in contentment once your body relaxed on the comfy chair that sat by the bookshelf in the living room.

Mmmmmh, these noodles are good, but not as good at Daddy's homemade food!

You smiled while eating the noodles in the small bowl you had.  Some soft footsteps approaching broke the comfortable silence, making you tear your head away from your food.  Looking to the stairs you noticed Jungkook making his way down them slowly and tiredly.

"Hi [Y/n]." mumbled Jungkook, preparing a glass of the red liquid they had stored away.

"Hi Kookie-oppa." you replied, turning your attention back to your food.

Jungkook entered the living area, placing himself comfortably on the couch that sat across from the chair you were sitting on.  He sipped the red liquid, making you cringe and look away to focus on something else.

"How was school today?  You came home looking strange.  You seemed strange." Jungkook asked carefully, eyeing you up and down as he took another sip out of his glass.

You sighed heavily. "It's nothing.  Just had something happen with a friend, that's all."

"How's your food?"

"It's okay.  I was honestly just craving a late night snack apparently at 9 pm." with a small laugh you continued to eat the rest of your bowl of noodles.

Jungkook crouched down in front of your swinging feet, making you slow their speed and bring them to a stop so you wouldn't hit his legs.  You eyed him curiously, wondering what he wanted.

"If you ever need someone to talk to. . .  I'm always here, and so are the others.  We all love you so please don't hide things from us," a small smile came upon the youngest' lips as he leant forward and placed his soft pink lips on your forehead. "I love you.  Have a good rest for tomorrow.  Good night." Jungkook stood up and left the room after cleaning out his used glass.

I love you all too.  I won't keep secrets, it's just. .  I'm a little confused but it's alright.

— A/N —
Hi hi!!
Sleep well~

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