Triplets Imprint (4)

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Note: The Edited Book has more scenes

POV- King Zender

To say the past 2 years were difficult could be assumed as a understatement, the triplets and twins would always battle each other for Renessmes attention. It's funny how they scare inhumans off despite their young age, but for Ren they are just 5 huge cuddle bears and human toys.

I am certain that the boys are unaware of what being wrapped around ones finger means, and that is exactly what she has done to my boys, who am I kidding? It's all of us. From the helpers to the King. She has us all under her spell.

Today is the day after the Triplets birthday, they should be shifting soon. The clock said 8:40 am, Walking out of my office, I see a trail of pink paint footsteps moving towards the boys library. Swiftly I burst open the door and see all six of them covered in different paint while rolling on floor the laughing.

"Shouldn't you be in lesson with William?" My voice unyielding causing for them all to freeze.

Jason steps forward while pushing Renessme back, I heard  her gasp by the sudden movement. She holds on to the hem of his shirt firmly, while moving her head to left trying to sneak a peak of my face, probably gauge My reactions.

My expression remain stoic, "Youve ruined texts that held our Heritage. Not to forget I'm wasting valuable resources on you. What? cat caught your tongue?"

Mason finally mumbles something incomprehensible even to my ears, "It was me ZenZen, you punish me" I hear a soft melodious voice.

"Is that right Ren? Hmmm... guess you should be punished then." I say set. "Go get cleaned and see me in my office Ren, off now."

As soon she walks past me, "it's my fault ZenZen, they don't do anything." With that she rushes out.

"You can't punish her, she's human. She'd get hurt" says Mason, simultaneously I hear Titus speak out, "Punish us Dad, we're at fault. Not her." Jason, sighs "We'd clean up the mess and await our punishment father."

With a hard nod I walk out.

—————————— ...Flashback... —————————

Helmma, the head chef for the Royal Family, has been incharge for the last 10 years. The tiny bundle of joy somehow convinced Helmma and the Boys that it would be a good plan to cook breakfast for the family as it's Uncle ZenZen and Aunt Rose Anniversary today.

The Cooking is going rather well, Renessme sits on the Island top mixing the pancake batter and making everything pretty, most importantly she's in charger of supervising then all.

Ceaser takes charge of cutting the fruits, Titus is setting the table, Jason and Mason cook heaps of pancakes and Bacon respectively, enough to feed a small army, finally Attrius is gathering everyone's favourite cereals along with milk and other condiments.

While everything is set, Ren rushes over to Jason pulls on his shirt in order to make him bend down to her, "You have something on your face Jay, here is gone now" she says that while applying flour all over his face.

Jason, unaware bends down and kiss her forehead "what would I do without you Esme, thank you."

Sneakily she moves down to Titus, to trick him the same way, but he grabs hold of her hands. "Aren't you a smart one, eh?" Her cheek turn pink as she's been caught, startling Titus she dumbs the flour that was in her hand over his head, "You still lose Ty." Pushing her tongue out she runs off to Mason for protection.

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