Teenage (6.20)

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"Ours!" Is heard in unison, before I could even comprehend what was happening, or who it was.

My breath caught in my throat, hearing their deep gravelly voice, almost like a subdued thunder. For some reason my instinct screamed at me to not make any quick movements, dreading their reaction, therefore carefully with gentle movement I turn my head at their direction, Once I am facing them, feeling overwhelmed with their presence my eyes remain focused on their shoes.

Nice shoes.
Wait! Are those new?
Did Ceaser go shopping without me?

It wasn't until Jayden grip around my waist had tightened, that I was brought out of my stupor and contemplated about what the boys had barked out, ignoring their labourer breathing, I got thinking.

What is theirs?

Confused at first I try to face them, but reaching their chest I chicken out, the only thing in my hand was the cotton pad, that was crushed as I was clutching onto Jayden arm that now rested on my stomach, to help me stand upright.

Certainly they're not petty to crib about this cotton pad!
Which meant, Jayden!
Wow! Are they gay?
Was that why my best friends were overcompensating with the girls this last year?

It hurt, but soon relief sweeps over me, grinning I drawl out, "Sorry, but Jayden isn't gay, he's out of the picture guys"

"Ours" they said even more harsher, it echoed in the hallway which was right opposite to me.

Behind me Jayden became stiff, his grasp on me loosened, but not entirely. He was the only thing keeping me from laying with my ass on the ground.

Reluctantly I move my eyes up to meet the boys, and the sight before me had me swallow a large lump, the five stared straight into my eyes, instantly a shiver runs done my spine. The boys weren't merely pissed, they were livid.

God! Despite it all, they look hot as hell.
Their ripped muscles, toned thighs.
Shite! Am I aroused right now?
Get your brain out of the gutter!

Neither of us said a word, but Jayden did, "Your Royal Highnesses, I beg for you to let me explain," when Titus step closer to us, Jayden roars, almost animalistically, "don't step any closer, I could hurt her, we c...."

There was a sudden drop in the temperature around us, a high pitched growl leaves me stunned, it was Ceaser who shouted, "Are you making a threat towards the Princess, it's an act of treason."

Attrius scrunching his nose in disgust, spats, "If I were you, I'd be careful. You're tread a fine line."

Whats going on?
Highnesses? Princess?
What's the meaning of it all?

Their eyes unrelenting, the only people who could save me weren't here, what I needed saving was from wasn't clear either, so I shout on top of my lungs, I shout for my hero, "Daddy! ZenZen..... Please, Help."

The five don't say a word, as they stared motionlessly straight ahead. Their eyes now fixated on my wounds, I could practically hear their brains working in overload, as they overthink things through.

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