Teenage (6.13)

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PoV Ceaser

The question has been on our minds since the morning, which is why when Mason found the opportunity, he went for it and asked, "So do you want to tell me what happened this morning at the cliff now?"

Esme started fiddling with Mason's hair, it somehow gets us all to fall asleep when she does that. It would've worked today as well, if he was alone, when she understood she had no way getting out of this, she mumbles, exasperated "Do I have to?"

"Yes." He said firmly, leaving no scope of discussion.

Almost whining at first, she warns us, "Fine, but dont shout at me later. Okay?"

Even with her waiting for our acknowledgement we said nothing, due to which she heaves heavily and begins.

---------- ...Flashback... ---------

Only ten minutes into the the trek to the cliff top had drained me. Despite the surroundings being chilly, I was sweating similar as to a pig.

The ache on my ankles growing with each and every step, but in order to prove my point, I kept stalking forward.

Another minute in, self-doubt overpowered my will, internally groaning at why such a ridiculous sounded the best not so long ago. Why in the world does such idiotic ideas seem the best? All of us were acting immature back at the shore.

I would've walked for a couple of minutes more when I started whining in my head, How far is this place?

Cliff diving.

That was the plan to show the boys I trusted them, stupid I'd agree. But that should shut them up.

My heart wasn't thumping faster than usual, thinking about whether it was safe or not, since the boys have been doing it from very same cliff since they were eight, it was predominantly due to if I somehow mess up.

Now that I reached the top, I took a peek down to see the boys floating in the water, but realising the height on this thing, I stumble back.

"This isn't happening! Just shed some tears Es, and they'd budge and never bother you again."

Both my mind and heart agreed.

Taken a few steps to move down the trek, I hear a rustle beside me at the bush.

"Must be some animal" I mumble to oneself.

Stopping midway, when I hear another noise, but this time it was more of a groan, painful one at it.

"What if someone needs my help?" I think to myself.

I stood at the same stop until, another whine can be heard, "Just check it, Esme. Otherwise you'll keep thinking about this" I hear my brain call out to me.

Walking a few steps towards the bush, I push the branches aside to see a dark man, couched down. His hands clutching onto his toe, and blood oozing out of his thumb.

"Are you alright, Sir?" I hear myself say to the man infront of me.

His eyes find the source of the voice, and when he takes note of me he gasps, "Renessme West."

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