Chapter 9

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Praise be to Allah!, i dreamt of him again, This is just too much, God please if i am destined to befriend Ahmad or even say Hi to him, please make it happen, i have waited for so long, it's been 3years now
I can't wait to meet him, even if it's from a far, please help me God,,,

I went to the living room, watching my favourite Starplus series indian Ofcourse, i heard Yaya khairat's voice ,Jaanaan please come and excort me, i want to visit a friend,
Ohk, i will have to get ready first,i will be back in a jiffy,,,

I was almost done when my phone ring,whats with khalil given me this attention,,..
Hello,good morning,
Morning princess, how are you doing?
I am fine, how comes you called this early
It's 12 pm Jaanaaan,
Hehehe yes, i just wake up,
So what are you upto?
Nothing much
Where are you?
I am at home, y,Or are you in Nigeria already?
Amm umm, no i just asked,anyway have a nice afternoon,,,
Ok Yaya khalil bye

Ya saalaam, JANAAAN please be fast, i have to go back and cook,,,
I am all set shall we, where are the kids,,
They are in the veranda, lets hurry,

We were on our way back,And i asked her to stop by a shawarma spot, i was craving for shawarma.
You and your cravings, whatever,

We were in moms living room, and she said"lets i forget, Abban Raudah, came to our house yesterday, requesting you to go back"
God forbid, please i am not in a right shape to talk about him,

You have to everybody has been avoiding to talk to you, but you have to think of something for the future of your daughter,are you going to remain single all your life,

Janaan, its high time you take a decision,,
Mum please, don't pay head to this, i want to embark on my masters and i am still searching for the right consort, i don't want chronicle to repeat itself please mum.

Do you want to remain at home all your life, for a simple mistake, you made, Noor, i heard my father's voice,,

My eyes were teary,how do i tell them?Ahmad is the only person i love, "He lives in me"i was sobbing,
And my Father came closer to me, Noor do you know y we named you Noor?

I continued sobbing ,
We love you so much, kids are a gift from Allah and you know that, Noor Janan(Light Beloved )

You are a symbol of Light to us your parents, we are not wishing bad for you or forcing you, but think wisely.
You are the light of my eyes, the delight of my heart, stop weeping, its ok,,
Daddy we are covertous,You pamper Janaan so much,

Sorry, Khairat,you know we love you both, You are also a divine blessing to us,

That reminds me, Noor have you conveyed my message to Khairat,
I was on my mother's lap, and i nodded,
Ok about the Food bazaar, yes, i thought mum would be going too,

No, i will not be opportuned, thats y i want you to accompany Noor, You can leave the kids here with us,

Ok, Mummy i will accompany her, Noor get up don't break our mothers leg please,.and mum, Dad i will love to stay till Monday if you are ok with that the driver can come back on Sunday and we would book a flight back on monday please,,,
It's okay, as you have something to do right?
Yes i want to visit some friends on Sunday,,,,,
Its ok....

I wiped away my tears just when my phone started ringing,
I left the living room to Mum's room,
Hey, Cutie,
Hello,Meenal,so sorry i didn't reply your calls, i was so busy,
Its ok, i want to know if you are at home, i am coming over,
Yes, please come i am at home
Make sure you keep my cake,
Done, Bestie

I went back to the living room, and we continued Gisting and watching,
Meenal, Amma and saleemat came in with their salam,

I jumped and hugged them,, you did not tell me you are coming together ,welcome dearies,, they greeted my mum and Yaya khairat,

Come on let's go inside, we went into my room,we heard a wonderful schmooze about everything, we ate lunch and snacks together,,it was a joyous evening,

We were in the midst of talking on top of our voices when khalil called,,
Jaanan your phone, saleemat passed over the phone,,
Hello beautiful,
Hey Yaya khalil, good evening,
It seems you are not home yet,,
Noo, i have visitors, my closest friends,
Nice, ok enjoy your day, i just called to say hi, and i hope i will get a wife among them,
Hehehhe Yaya khalil please, i flippantly relplied,,
Okay i will tune into video call, so i can select my wife,,,

Hehehehe ok,
Meenalu, meet my brother he will call via video he want to say hi to you guys,,
Really! Ok fine

He switch to video call, and the phone was already with Meenal,they exchage pleasantries and she pass the phone to Salima and and then finally to Amma,,
Where is my sister?

Right here, she passed over the phone,
hello brother,
Wow! Your friends are nice, especially Amma,,
Uhmm!My brother is, i rolled my eyes
Ok, i will talk to you later Jaanan

Huh, Jaaanan where did you find this handsome brother?God he is so cute,,
You can say that again, cute is an understatement, Meenal smirked,

Amma, he is so into you, he spend minutes talking to you, and you know you two will make a perfect couple, Salima glare
And yes she is an introvert and he dont seem like one,

You girls are just impossible, he is just being friendly, who knows if he is Janaans boyfriend and you girls Yaa Allah,

Jaaanan, Bestie who is he?
Well, ok i met him in Makkah, and we have been in touch since then,

He is so cute,,
Can we move on, lets talk about something else,
And we continued gisting, when it was time for magrib we both prayed and they left.

I was in my room watching when Raudah came in,
Mummy i want to sleep, i placed her on the bed, and lay beside her,

My inventiveness about Ahmad came back to me,
I started thinking about what my family said earlier,
But the thing is i,have to keep Ahmad's issue surreptitious.

Ahmad is my soul mate, my heart, my body, my eyes were simply hankering, snivelling there was only one antidote for this, one panacea but how do i get this panacea,i am craving and i cant put this thoughts aside.

Hmmmm! Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahlan wa anta taj alal hadhana idhaa shiita sahlan,,
The only thing i can say,,,

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