Chapter 25

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We woke up to the sound of drums beating in the house,the traditional flutes and all,we can hear people mumbling from all corners of the house..
The media we are so used to them now,always around,and the guards that Ahmad sent....

Sleeping Beauty,I will love to see your husband,so i would know if he is as cute as you are while sleeping she pinched my cheeks..

Don't pinch her Maryam protest otherwise her cheeks will look as red as tomatoes..

Aleelah,i frowned and pouted not early in the morning,Look your phone is ringing and it's your heartthrob..she winked...
I was nervous but i abruptly picked the call,

Hello Noor.
Good morning,
are you just waking up..
You know i couldn't sleep Baby,i just want to hear the announcement,Ahmad and Noor janan as husband and wife,
I am the happiest person today Noor..
Ahmad,hope you have eaten?
No i will do that later,want to hear your marvelous soft voice first...hope you are ok?
Yes,Ahmad just nervous..
Don't be Noor,I love you so much.
Love you too Ahmad...
Can i talk to you later,Mum is calling me..
Sure,make sure you do call..
I will,ok bye

I went to Mum's bedroom,she prepared her bath tub with perfumed hot water for me,as she always do a week to the wedding after body scrub and halawi i will bath in that sweet scented water...

Was done bathing,i dressed up i wrapped my veil and went back to my room,my friends were getting ready,some were done....

Yasmeenah came in with maids carrying our breakfast,Yaa janan You are looking like a bride already,i will click a picture for Yaa Ahmad,she quickly snapped the picture even my friends joined us....

The Men have gone to the Juma'at Mosque...
My phone rings,Yaa jaheed..
Hello Yaa Jaheed..
My cute sister,you dumped me once again,
Sorry Yaa jaheed,

its ok,i will come for Yasmeenah or Hanan,anyway i couldn't attend the wedding,but i wish you a Happy married life,if i am abled i will come to Abuja soon...
Ya jaheed i will miss you,and i will tell him about you trying to snatch his dream......

Sweet Janan,I will miss you more and our late night conversations,

Can't you atleast come for my Dinner party...
Uhmm!Do you want me to die?
Not at all,Yaa jaheed don't talk like that,i am sorry..
Its ok sweetest Janan,regards to Ahmad Rufa'i Sadauki...

Mrs Ahmad Rufa'i Sadauki...
Bye Jaanaan...
Bye Yaa jaheed...

Heartbreak,i wonder how he feels,i know what heartbreaks means,Oh my Allah!But i love the Favourite.....

Khalilullah,i don't think i can eat anything today..
Noo,Ahmad you have to eat please,beside come have a look,he showed his screen to him...

My pictures we were eating breakfast,Hmmm
My wife,she is always looking young and beautiful,

Khalil shook my shoulder,now eat something before you pass out during the wedding ceremony,and you know the media are all over us...
we went to the dining area we were with our friends,
Bujawa and others,...

Ahmad Rufa'i,you are totally not the same Ahmad today,you are smiling like never before,i have never seen you smile like this ever...

Bujawa you are right,Al'amin chipped in,,,
Khalilullah giggled,i told him earlier,and i don't know how he would smile when we convey the bride,they kept teasing me,Bujawa,Al'amin,Abas and few friends,

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