Chapter 10

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The truth was i missed him, i am missing him, it was preposterous to miss someone i barely know but he has embossed his presence in me, Yes he lives in me,
I hump in my throat..

Berlin, Germany.
And what was that?
Sorry, Ahmad, i don't know how to control, but her friend Amma is just so cute,

Please stop being a player, Khalil, it hurts you know, besides you can't break her heart too..
Ok, thanks for the advice sinless Ahmad.

Jaanan's smile is just so hilarious, Ahmad do you think you can cope with people looking at jaanan after your wedding?

What kind of a question is that?
Because, you are the jealous type, and she is so beautiful and sweet, that wherever she goes people comment about her beauty,

Sure, she is beautiful, but it doesn't suit your mouth, i scowled......
And this your brother and sister bonding, i am cutting it off,

Hahhahaah, Jaanan you are just so lucky to have someone that loves you this much,if only i can tell you that,
Don't you dare,anyway just 2 days to go.

Ahmad, how is Dad's health?i called earlier but his phone was switched off,

Yes, hes feeling much better, i called Sa'ad and Yaya sadiq too, i think we should Voyage on Thursday itself, i don't know but i love Nigeria like never before,

I am sure you are going because of Janaan, and i am just so concerned i hope she is not in love with me.

I am going upstairs ,see you later.. And yes get ready, tomorrow early morning let's round up everything, sleep early in other to wake up early, no phone calls,,

Yes brother ,I understand.Good night then.

I was thinking of how the meeting is gonna be, will she ever accept me, what if she is in love with someone else, or khalil, noo just a visualisation she can't fall in love with him, y do i scrutinise her every move?I am sure we are moon and moonlight nobody can separate us,

We headed to United Kingdom after rounding up, some deals in Berlin, it was almost 11pm,,,

What a hectic day, Ahmad i am famished but i only need something light, just burger and coke.

Lets order then,
Well,khalil i need a boon from you, and i know you are a good buddy, you will surely help me out right.
Don't ask me to call her today please, besides she is asleep,

Just one call, if she is asleep fine,
Then i will have to hide my number, i don't want her to suspect something, i am always traveling,
You want to hear her voice right?

Y are you punishing yourself, what if she tell me a word that will hurt you, i am concerned Ahmad,,
Are you gonna call her or?

Sorry Boss,
It's ringing, but what will i tell her?
You are a player afterall,i shrugged,put it on a speaker so i can hear the melodious voice.

Noor Janaan, sorry i called this late, hope i am not disrupting your sleep.
Not at all, i am still awake,y did you hide your number?
Well,i actually was not aware that it's hidden...
What's depriving my sister of her sleep,
I don't know, i am just depressed
What depressed, y? Are you sad, what's wrong with you?

And i was flabbergasted with the concern in his voice, y is he this caring?
Well, you know it just happens at times, but never mind, i will be fine.
Come on Jaanan, we are one tell me may be i can help.
Really!Ok i will tell you only when we meet, you are coming to Nigeria soon right? and y did you have to hide your number?

Sorry,dearie,please get over it, secondly i will be coming very soon, thirdly where is my wife?
Your wife?
Amma, your friend.

Hehehe your funny, Amma is your wife, ok i pray it works,,, she went home earlier.
Jaanan, y is your voice so sweet and lovely,,
Ahmad hit him with his leg,, Ouuch,

What happened?
Ohh its my friend,,
Ok,hope all is well?

Yes princess, anyway when are you going to Abuja,
That should be on Friday,, but i don't feel like going, i don't know, i am just depressed,and i know i have to.

Ohk, please relieve yourself of this depression of a thing, i don't like it, i will call you tomorrow ok sleep tight.

Ok good night, regards to your friend.
Huh! What was that? Y did you said that
Yaa Allah! You are impossible you know, just to cheer her up, and you know is the truth her voice is so sweet that it can melt a heart..

I will soon disown you Khalil... I grit my teeth,
Sorry Boss, hhahaha
Anyway,here let's check out the contract and see if we can sign the deal,,
Oh sure, and the canadian deal too, lets work on it,

I don't know, what my parents said in the afternoon ,really have an effect on my mind, i am torn between two worlds,My Dream world and my real world, My vision  blurred with tears, and i burst out crying, i was in the midst of crying and thinking about giving Abdul a chance, when khalil called.
What is khalil upto, anyway i think i should give all the people that are in love with me a chance, and i will select someone, but i never thought of getting married again, if not to Ahmad.
Well,May be i will be able to have a glance at him just once.....

It was Friday, and we were getting ready, i will pick Yaya khairat when i am done, i hate going to Abuja by road, but we have to, we need a car there,, we headed to Abuja....

Leaving the kids with Mum, but we carried Nafla along, she is the second child to Yaya khairat she is just a year older..

It was a hectic journey ,we were tired, we lodge at our regular Hotel, SADAUKI INTERNATIONAL HOTEL AND RESORT,we booked a suite,The room has a queen-size bed, a flatscreen TV, a refrigerator and an adjoining living room.
we had our dinner, take a douche and started gisting ,it was past 10:00pm and i was alone in the adjoining living room, stretched on the sofa,i was chatting and watching as well, i secured a phone call from my Ex boyfriend, Al-Ameen, we talked for a minute or two and i saw an international call popping in, i had to drop Ameens, call, i picked the number i assumed its from United Kingdom,

I ushered my Salaam, after hanging up Ameens call,
Hello Beautiful, sorry i can see you are on call,take your time,
Yaya khalil, i am done, Ya Allah, were are you at, Are you having a tour round the world?I exclaimed.
Noo, i am just on a business trip with my Boss, are you in Abuja yet?
Oh yes, it was a hectic journey,,
What? journey(i heard a voice from behind screech)
Yaa khalil are you with someone,,

Oh not really Sister, i am just flabbergasted as to y you travelled from sokoto to Abuja by road,, it's definitely going to be hectic,
Ohh,its normal, we sometimes do that,because we need a car here in Abuja, in case we want to go out.
Ohh it's ok, hope you are fine now,,
Yes i am, ok have a nice night rest when are you leaving?
On Sunday insha Allah
Ok, anyway have some rest, bye.

Oh My Allah! Hmm he is suprised that i came all the way from sokoto to Abuja, well the rich spoilt brats will not now how to travel by road,,..

My daily routine, i checked Ahmad's pictures i snapped it from the magazine ,I was thinking about him and i zoomed off.

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