Chapter 19

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The endless sound of my Alarm woke me up,I abruptly brushed my teeth and ran down to the kitchen,we peeled potatoes,we made chips and omelet ,we made golden yam and Gizzard sauce,and also sandwich,also chimichanga and chips cake,and a Lemon cake.....

it was almost past 8 when i finished everything including the hot ginger and Hot chocolate

I was rushing to get to the bedroom and sufficed my body when i saw Mum with Daddy's briefcase,
Good morning,Dad,morning mom...

Oh Janan,i am leaving for the conference,i will be back tomorrow,and Your visitors i wish them a safe flight...

Ok, Daddy safe trip,i took the briefcase from mum,i saw him to the door,and wave at him,,Safe Daddy...

I swiftly ran back to my room,sufficed my body,pick up my straight skirt and a tank top,i put on  my kimono,and wrapped my veil,rubbed powder and lip balm, i put everything inside the car including a basket that contains mugs plates and spoons...

Mummy,i am running late,i have to take the breakfast to them,ok Janan,safe and take care of yourself,ok bye..

i drove off,i called Khalil but he did not picked the call,but yes,i know the newest lodge,so i headed straight there,i can't call ahmad cause he needs some rest,but the Security i am sure will not let me in...
What do i do?Ohh i remembered Sa'aad.

When i almost get to the gate i called him,he also did not picked up...

I got to the gate,the security came to the window,i rolled down the window,thou i have a light tint,
Good morning ma'am...

Thank God,one of Ahmad's guard was there,he quickly stood up from where he was sitting,
Morning Ma'am please come in...

he ordered them to open the gate,,,he directed me to their phase as i drive slowly,What a beautiful place,i loved this place.

Good morning ma'am he widened his grin,
Morning,hope you had a stress free night ,
Yes, he nodded,please come in..

We went to the door,he knocked and we stood there waiting for someone to answer the door,,Thank God a guard or a cook i don't know opened the door,

Good morning,ma'am,i guess seeing me with the guard made him think i was special,led her in,the guard ordered..

We sauntered into the first living room,and then we headed to the next beautifully decorated living room,please sit down,,

I sat down just in,Sa'aad called back i smiled and picked up,while taking a look at the beautiful living room
,Hey Pulche,
I am downstairs if you care to join me,,,

Seriously!He Exclaimed and came downstairs as quick as possible.....

He came in adjusting his cap,with his coffee brown kaftan,i tilted my head while looking at him,,,he looks exactly like Ahmad,OMG!Just that he is younger...

Are you checking me out,,Pulche.he gestured with his mouth..

So you are all dressed up,i thought you are sleeping,well not at all,i was taking my bath when you called,,How comes you are here all alone,are they still asleep?

i just came in,and you are the first person i met,
And we make a perfect couple he teased,,i winked..
So,breakfast is in the car,can my husband lend me a helping hand?I pleaded..

Wow!I can't wait to eat my wifes delicious food,,where is the car key?Here i gave it to him.

And he called out the person that opened the door for me he handed over the key and asked me to tell him what to bring,i will just show him,
then i will accompany you,we went out,and showed them what to take in,we were chit chatting and laughing,,

HE LIVES IN ME....... Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora