Chapter 18

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I was done preparing Dinner,i Was chatting with my friends and thought y dont Ahmad and khalil chat,they are not on whatsapp or any other social media platform,Anyway i saw Ahmad's Morning message....

I was about calling Khalil,,when he called,
Yaya khalil,i guess you read minds,
What happened My sister,

I was about calling you,and you called,
Sweet of you,how are you doing?Thou from the sound of your voice i know you are not ok.I hope is not Ahmad that upsets you,

No,Yaya khalil,i blushed by mere mentioning his name,Ok Yaya i want to ask you something,
Go ahead Sister,what is bothering you, and you cannot tell him?He joked

I smiled,Yaya,i know i am in love with him,and he is in love with me but do you think, his Family will accept me,

Y what's wrong that will make them not to accept you,well janan please clear that thought of your mind,Ahmads Family i mean all of them knows about Noor Janan,your pictures are plastered all over his Apartment,and he boldly told them about you, they are so happy that at last nobody is forcing him and he agreed to get married,

But Yaya,i am a...
i know and it doesn't count,stop disturbing your mind,Ahmad will marry you at all cost,and his family always stands by him,or wait Sister are you in anyway having issues with your family about him?
No not at all,but we are,,

Jaanan please,focus on the love you two have been hiding,and besides we are coming to Nigeria tomorrow,i know he will definitely meet you tomorrow,so we can talk about it ok,Do you know how disturbed Ahmad have been,he can't even focus,he just want to marry you come what may,..

Ok,i am so happy,i can't wait to see you,Same here ok can i call you later Yaya,fine ok bye..

I seemed like the happiest person alive,Alhamdulillah!I will see him tomorrow,Hmm i kept smiling and blushing the whole day,thinking of what to prepare for them, what to wear,,and all.

And Yes my sisters are not back yet i will seek Yaya Khairats help,and Meenal will help me with the shawarma and pizza,all sorted i jumped on my bed,

It was past 9pm,i was alone in my room,as Raudah has gone to yaya Khairats house,i was dodging my lovely Dad,My phone rings from behind,i reached out to the phone complaining about who on earth is disturbing my peace, and i was agaped to see my Jaans number...

Noor,how have you been?I am sorry
fine,but Y are you apologizing?
I couldn't call you today as i've been busy,rounding up somethings..

The sound of his Deep husky voice is already having effect on me,i wonder what will happen when we are together,,

Noor are you there?
amm umm Yes,its ok i actually..
Noor,I love you,I love you so much...

Hmm!The classy Sadauki..
I want to hear your soft,Melodious voice,do you care to talk to me,or should i ask khalil to call you,cause you prefer talking to himm

shhhhhh!Ahmad,Noo,i loved, i mean i love talking to you,and i don't know,but i love listening to your voice,that is y i kept mute i am sorry,Jaan...
Wow!Ok Noor what is the meaning of Jaan?
No,Dont ask me,i blushed even thou he cannot see me..

Tell me Noor,,,I was shivering already,if his voice can have an effect on me,i wonder what his eyes can do...

Ahmad,When we meet i will tell you everything,...
Ok Baby,But please don't feel shy upon seeing me,i want us to be Solid and free with each other...
Ok,i will

Noor,what do you love about me?
Ahmad,i love everything about you,you are perfect.
Really!Yes y do you ask?

Khalil told me about how you swerve telling me somethings due to my introverted nature,thou i do talk to you,i don't talk much,,,He whispered
and you don't smile much,I utter

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