chapter 22

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Assalamu Alaikum,Baba i muttered.....
Wa'alaikas salam,Ahmad...
Baba,i sat beneath his feat,Good morning,
Morning,Ahmad,are you alright?

Yes,i am fine,how are you feeling now?
Much better,how was your trip to Sokoto?
Splendid,Baba and i want to finalize everything soon,i said fidgeting my fingers.

Ohk,that is nice,you know your mother and I got married shortly after meeting not upto 2 months,I was a major then,and we got married,he shook his head and smiled remembering her.

I know Noor for almost 4 years now Baba,but i met her thrice and we've been in touch for almost ,3months,i really want to get married to her.

Then what are we waiting for?My last wish is to see you married,if i have the pleasure of holding your child,i would be the happiest Father ever,you Know

Ahmad,your mother loves you so much.she Said he is my Favourite and you know she always meant what she said,I missed her so much,but whenever you are around,i feel her presence,she loves you immensely,she said please make sure that

"My Ahmad get the woman he wants no matter what,do not break his heart,guide him and know that if i am alive i would love Ahmads wife so much as long as he would be happy".....

So Ahmad,i promised her that i would surely do all that,and you know we always argue about who loves you more....

But Baba,y am i the Favourite?
Uhmmm,he shook his head and smiled,do you know that she fell in love with you,when she was 3 weeks pregnant,she yearned for the pregnancy after waiting for 5 years after Abubakars delivery,she always caress her tommy,when you came into the world,she says now he is the Favourite,he is my Noor,,,,,

Since then she has been instructing us, do this do that for My Favourite,the love your mom has for you is something else.

Hmm!Baba i know you missed her,
Yes Ahmad,I miss her with every breath i take,our togetherness was not meant to be separated,if there are moments i could wish to last forever it's those moments spent with her.....
I am sorry Baba,

it's alright,so please get married and fulfill her wish...

Ohk Baba now what do i do next,i want everything to be sealed before i go back to Zurich.

Well,i saw your kayan lefe,and i think i will send our people tomorrow itself let them fix the date,and may be Kubrah will fix a date for conveying the kayan lefe....

Baba and the Favourite,What am i missing?Sa'aad came in...

Please call Abubakar,i want him here too,lets finalize...

Ahmad i thought you were supposed to get married on the same day with khalil...
Hahaha Baba khalil is not ready yet...
So do you have a date in mind,or did you discussed with Noor...

Baba,i don't want it to take long...
Ohk what about in two months time,if she is ready...
Hmm!Baba two months is too much for us,i can't wait till then,

Sa'aad are you the one getting married?he smiled
I know he will not be able to object and is too long so i chipped in...they both laugh......

Assalamu alaikum,
Wa'alaikum salaam
Baba you summoned me,

Yes Abubakar,is about your brother Ahmad,
Ohh your Favourite,what about him?
About his wedding date,

Wow,ok Baba i am all ears,i want to send the elders tomorrow,we should finalize the date,but i suggest in two months time...

Baba,Sa'aad muttered.
Did you see that?He is complaining as if he is the groom.

Baba is right,we need to give them time,but Baba let's say in one months time,if it's ok by them fine, if it's not then we make in in two months time,,,

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