Chapter 1

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Girl Who Can't Speak

The clanking noise of the principal's heels was heard as she walked through the school's hallway showing HaeSoo to her classroom. They passed by each and every blue tainted locker as well as a few classroom doors. Soon enough, the clanking noise stopped as the two stood in front of one of the classroom door. The principal knocked on the wooden door before grabbing its doorknob and twisting the entry open. The noise of students chattering began to echo through the hallways as soon as the door was unbolted.

The sound of the principal's heels clanking was barely heard as she entered the classroom and began to speak to the teacher. After the short explanation, the teacher began to quiet down the classroom which was done thoroughly quickly. All their eyes were now on HaeSoo who was quietly standing by the principal.

"We have a new student joining our class today. Nam HaeSoo, would you like to introduce yourself please?" The teacher smiled warmly at HaeSoo showing her the way to the front of the class. The whole class stayed silent waiting for the girl to introduce herself. Her lips didn't part even once to speak and her head kept staring down at her bright white shoes. The feeling of embarrassment filled up her body making her wanting to hide far away from everyone. Her short light brown hair wasn't helping with hiding her face and her hands holding on to her school bag very tightly just made her feel more and more nervous. Time passed and soon enough, the classroom began to fill itself with whispers and stares.

"I'm sorry, she won't be speaking. She is mute." The principal spoke to the class making the whispers more audible. "Treat her well." The principal said her final words before walking out.

"Your seat is the one next to the window." The teacher pointed at the seat on the side of a window behind a brown-haired boy. HaeSoo respectfully bowed to her new homeroom teacher and walked her way towards her assigned seat.

"It's break time now, so I will leave you and let your English teacher enter after this 10-minute break." Their homeroom teacher walked out closing the door letting the whole class go into complete chaos.

HaeSoo, completely ignoring the voices around her, took out a small journal out of her school bag followed by a pen she took out of her pencil case. Right when her hands were about to open the journal in front of her, she found it sliding away from her. She looked next to her to see a girl holding onto her journal. The girl smirked and stared at the journal reading its title out loud. "What I Want to Say." She laughed as the girls around her repeated. "What, so you write the things that you want to say to others in a journal? Tch, can't you just say them out loud." The girl filled with attitude stared at HaeSoo while she didn't speak a word. "Oh, my bad. I forgot you're mute. Maybe I can say these things out loud for you."

The unkind girl began to open the book getting ready to read every single word that HaeSoo wrote out loud. HaeSoo watched her open the book ready to grab it away from her, but someone beat her to it. The journal was now no longer in the hands of the loathsome girl and was now occupied by a girl with black hair all tied up with different black and gray bracelets around her wrist.

"Hey, JiYoo. Ever heard of, 'minding your own business'? I'm pretty sure most of the smart people know that." The girl spoke to JiYoo as she held onto the book.

"So now 'Gothic Girl' Kang HyunJae is standing up for the girl that can't even speak? Wow, what a combo!" JiYoo began to laugh while HyunJae rolled her eyes and walked up to HaeSoo's desk.

"I'm guessing this is yours?" HyunJae handed the book to HaeSoo as she nodded and shyly bowed. "I think it's cute that you want to write down what you want to say to others. Maybe one day we'll actually hear you speak?" HyunJae smiled at HaeSoo while she stared. A small light smile not too fit to be seen was shown by HaeSoo.

The students all ran back to their places as a male teacher who is, supposedly, the English teacher walked into class. "Well, that's my cue." HyunJae ran back to her place before the teacher could even notice finally letting the English class begin.

HaeSoo, not minding the fact that class has started, opened the journal to write down what she wanted to say.


Thank You.

-To Kang HyunJae

'Thank You'. Two simple words that were probably not even needed to be written in that journal, yet it means so much to HaeSoo. Being mute is something she does not want. Every time she tried to say something, it's like the words won't come out. It's as if her voice was taken away from her. Because of such trouble, she began to write down all the things she wanted to say to others. It wasn't important whether what she wanted to say had value or not, to her, it was things she wanted to say once she would be able to speak again. The moment she begins to speak will be the moment she says those things she wanted to say to her aunt, to the teacher today, to HyunJae which she met just now. But the person she wants to talk to the most is that detective she met back at the hospital, the one who was on the case of her parent's murder.


Classes were over which meant school was over. Students had already left, but HaeSoo stayed a little longer inside the library. The library was the only place she could see herself in. It was so silent, just like she was.

She held onto her journal which was in her hand and walked in the hallway. She then suddenly found herself being slammed to the locker while her journal fell out of her hand. She flinched at the loud noise and kept her eyes closed afraid of what situation she was in. Both her arms were down while she trembled in complete fear. Her head was turned sideways while her hair covered a part of her face. Soon enough, her eyes opened to see a brown haired boy looking straight into her eyes. His expression was completely numb while HaeSoo's was filled with fear. The boy's numb expression changed when the side of his lips curved into a smirk.

"Are you really mute?" He asked with a crisp type of voice.

HaeSoo didn't say anything finding it quite stupid that he would ask such a question. "You're pretty cute for a girl who can't speak." HaeSoo kept staring at him completely confused in the type of situation she was in. "But you're not my type. I prefer girls with...a voice." He smirked once again and backed away before walking off still keeping his eyes on her.

HaeSoo took a deep breath and calmed herself down before grabbing her journal which she dropped on the floor. She took her pen out of her school bag and opened her journal to once again write what she wanted to say.


Of course I'm mute, you idiot.

-To Unknown Creep

Well hello.

I have returned after a long break.

I enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter which will be out soon!

Thanks for reading!
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