Chapter 6

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I'm Sorry

HaeSoo entered her classroom immediately noticing Jimin who was having a talk with JiYoo. She shifted her gaze away from him and began to walk to her seat causing her to go in between Jimin's and JiYoo's conversation once again.

"Ugh," JiYoo's annoying voice was heard as HaeSoo ignored it.

Jimin, ignoring JiYoo as well, walked his way to HaeSoo's desk placing his hand on it to grab her attention. Indeed it did, but not for long as she pushed his hand away from her desk to replace it with her journal.

"I'm sorry." Was all Jimin could say while HaeSoo opened her journal to write in it.


It's fine.

-To Jimin

Jimin sighed while he read the words written in HaeSoo's journal. "You know, writing may be a way of communication, but it won't show your feelings."

HaeSoo looked up just to make sure that it was Jimin speaking to her and not someone else. Jimin was mostly a flirty jerk to HaeSoo, but seeing him being guilty and sorry just makes him look less of a jerk.

"Look, I feel really bad for making you do all the work and making you think I was working, so will you please forgive me?" Jimin hoped for HaeSoo to write something down in her journal, but his hope soon turned to despair as he watched HaeSoo close her journal completely ignoring him.

Jimin's shoulders dropped in hopelessness as he walked back to JiYoo and began to talk to her. HaeSoo shook her head in disbelief seeing that even after what Jimin has done, he's still the same.


"Okay, let's start working," Jimin said as he stretched himself before turning his chair around to share HaeSoo's desk.

HaeSoo opened her journal and quickly wrote in it before turning it around to show Jimin.


You mean, let me do all the work while you go through Instagram checking out some girls.

-To Park Freaking Jimin

"I remind you that you were the one who tore that piece of paper with all of our research apart and threw it in the garbage," Jimin said crossing his arms. "Besides, that research could've been really helpful."

HaeSoo once again began to write in her journal to respond to Jimin.


Do you know what else could've been helpful? A none-jerk partner.

-To Jimin

"Totally not offended," Jimin spoke. "But you know, I'm sure those words would sound way more mean and aggressive if you SPOKE them out."

HaeSoo closed her journal not wanting to reply anymore to Jimin knowing that her journal would probably be filled with bad memories of him rather than good ones.

"You know that you ignoring me is the same exact thing as you not speaking to me, right?" Jimin kept on talking while HaeSoo grabbed a blank sheet of paper and opened her textbook already writing down some of its information.

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