Chapter 21

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It was quiet inside the car. Detective Kim was silently driving while HaeSoo and Jimin sat on the back seat while looking out the window. The silent was soon broken once the detective began to speak. "Is it true, HaeSoo? The nurse told me you spoke."

The detective lifted his eyes to the little mirror on top of the car while going back on keeping his eyes on the road. HaeSoo nodded to the detective's question. "Yeah, she spoke my name." Jimin proudly spoke while glaring at the detective. "It means I'm a good person and HaeSoo trusts me."

The detective sighed and looked back into the little mirror to glare at Jimin before looking back at the road. "No, it means you're bad. The nurse said that HaeSoo forced herself into speaking out of pressure."

"HaeSoo doesn't see me as a bad person!" Jimin's voice had gotten louder as HaeSoo flinched due to the fact he was sitting right next to her. "But I do and to me, you're just a problem to her!" The detective yelled back. "I've never liked you! There's no wonder HaeSoo wanted to avoid you, you're a total jerk!" Jimin blurted out his words in anger as the detective stopped the car.

The car had stopped somewhere in the neighbourhood. It was safe to stop since it was on the side but Jimin and HaeSoo were completely shocked. The detective turned around and looked straight at Jimin in anger. "I don't like you either Park Jimin! HaeSoo doesn't need trouble right now!"

Jimin's anger grew. "At least I'm trying to help! You haven't even solved her case!" The tension began to grow in the car. "Because I can't! I had to let HaeSoo ease herself up after the incident!" Jimin scoffed. "Excuses! It's been months and look where you are now, not even close to finding the murderer." Detective Kim sighed loudly. "How do you expect me to do that when I can't even speak to HaeSoo!"

The argument had turned silent once the sound of the car door opening then closing was heard. Both Detective Kim and Jimin turned around just to see HaeSoo had left the car. "HaeSoo!" Detective Kim and Jimin both yelled as they unbuckled their belts. Detective Kim grabbed Jimin's shoulder to stop him from leaving. "I'll go." Jimin quickly shook his head and pushed the detective's hand away from his shoulder. "No. I'm going. Besides, you can't just leave me in the car either." Before Detective Kim could say anything, Jimin had already left.

It was dark out. The sun that was putting light to the sky was now replaced by stars trying their best to light up the sky. Jimin had caught up to HaeSoo turning her around. "Why'd you leave?" He asked. HaeSoo looked down and grabbed her phone out her pocket, not feeling like taking her journal out of her bag. She sent her text to Jimin as he took out his phone to read it.

📶SK 🔊 8:57 PM 63%🔋

Nam HaeSoo

8:57 PM

    It's true. I can't speak and
    all I can do is slow down the
    investigation. I can't even
    speak so I'm no help. My
    parents are gone bc stupid
    me couldn't do anything.
    Now, I'm even more


"HaeSoo..." Jimin frowned as he stared at the text. He then looked up to see HaeSoo looking straight at him with tears in her eyes. His heart shed as he stared at her tears ready to fall. Knowing she needed some comforting, Jimin pulled her into a hug. His right hand stroked HaeSoo's hair as his left hand held onto her tightly. "You're not useless..." he slowly whispered as he listened to her quietly sobbing on his chest. "Don't feel like no one needs you..." he slowly spoke while stroking her hair.

"Because I need you..."


It was late at night and Hoseok had just arrived home after stopping by the convenient store. He opened the door to his house and entered it doing his usual routine. After taking his shoes off and leaving the plastic bag filled with snacks on the side, he began to call for his father.

"Dad?" He called out. There was no answer so he went to check around the house. He then stopped in front of his father's office. "Dad?" He called out again. He slowly opened the office door to see his father's back staring at something.

Hoseok's father then slowly turned around and grinned as he stared at his son. Hoseok's eyes widened as he stared at what he saw. His hands began to tremble as his eyes turned wide open. He slowly backed away feeling uneasy.

"You have to stop doing this," Hoseok spoke as his father grinned. "Why stop when we're making money?" His father replied. "Who cares about the money! Do you know how many you've killed because of what you do!?" Hoseok's voice was louder than ever as he slowly walked into the office. "This is why mom left us! Because she was terrified of you!"

Before Hoseok could say anything he felt his father's hand slap his cheek. His head turned to the side due to how hard the slap was. A red mark was showing on his cheek as Hoseok slowly lifted his hand up to massage it. "Don't speak of your mother to me."

"Mother was right to leave. Imagine what could happen if she had stayed with you. She should've brought me with her." Hoseok spoke his words while he looked down. His head slowly lifted up just to see his father throwing the money all over the place in anger.

"Did you think your mother could've given you a home!? Look at this money! What I do gives us so much money and you don't want it!? You don't want it!? Then go find your mother instead!" Hoseok's father yelled as the money slowly fell to the ground.

"How can I do that if I don't know where she is!? Tell me! Did you hurt her too!? Is that why there's no trace of her!? Did she become one of your victims!? Did you..." Hoseok paused and looked straight into his father's eyes. "Did you kill her too!?" Hoseok's father threw his files right at Hoseok where it hit him right in the face although he tried to protect himself with his arms.

"Stop speaking unless you want to become a target too." Hoseok glanced at his father one more time before walking out. He made his way towards the bathroom where he entered and loudly slammed the door behind him.

Hoseok stared at himself in the mirror with sadness in his eyes. His black hair seemed wet due to the sweating caused by the amount of stress from the incident early. His skin seemed pale and his lips were dry. He ran his fingers through his hair before opening a cabinet. His hand reached out to grab a small bottle filled with pills. He slowly opened the little bottle and took a few out before gulping them down his throat.

Hoseok then looked down and began to wash his face to try and freshen himself up. His head lifted up once again to look at himself.

"This is not the first time it happens..."

I love Hoseok.

He's my bias.

And it hurts me to write this 😭

R.I.P. me

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Thanks for reading!

See yaaaaaaa


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