Chapter 9

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Black Hood

"Ugh! There is nothing in these books that are useful for this project!" Jimin yelled loudly while he threw his arms in the air. HaeSoo immediately lifted her index finger up to her lips trying to show Jimin to be quiet. "Why be silent? There's no one here." Jimin spoke while HaeSoo pointed towards the librarian glaring at the loud boy. "Oh, I forgot the librarian was still here." Jimin rubbed the back of his neck before standing up and bowing to the librarian who was standing at a far distance with her arms crossed.

Jimin and HaeSoo had been in the library for about an hour trying to find the right information to finish the project. They arrived right after they finished cleaning the classroom. It was pretty late and Jimin was beginning to become tired. Him stretching and yawning every two seconds just made things more obvious. At some point, Jimin lost interest in everything and found himself plopping his head on top of the table with his arms used as a pillow.

HaeSoo quickly opened her journal to write in it and then poked Jimin a few times to wake him up. He lifted his head up to see HaeSoo's journal pointed towards him understanding the fact that HaeSoo didn't want him to sleep.



-To Jimin

"I need motivation," Jimin said as he smirked while HaeSoo stared at him confusingly. The young boy let his mischievous smirk remain as he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side letting his finger go up to his cheeks and tap it. "Kisseu?" Jimin spoke while keeping his eyes closed and his head turned to the side.

HaeSoo stared at Jimin in disbelief before facepalming herself and grabbing her journal. She lifted it in the air and let her arms fall down to his head letting her journal hit it not too roughly to make sure he still remained conscious.

"Ow!" Jimin groaned while rubbing his head. "Even after having a bleeding wrist and fainting, you're still very aggressive."

HaeSoo opened her Journal again and wrote in it really wanting to start working.


You promised to work.

-To Jimin

"I know, but I'm tired right now," Jimin said as he placed his head sideways back on his arms staring at HaeSoo. Before HaeSoo even had the time to respond with her journal, she found the shadow of a figure hovering over her. She then looked up to see the librarian standing at their table with her arms crossed.

"The library is closing." She spoke. "You must leave." The librarian spoke her final words before walking off. HaeSoo sighed feeling a bit down that they haven't done much work since they came. Jimin, on the other hand, seemed totally glad that he could leave and get some sleep.

"Don't worry, we'll work on it another time," Jimin said as he stood up and began to put his stuff away. HaeSoo crosses her arms and began to pout in sadness not wanting to leave. "Come on, HaeSoo. The librarian wants us to leave."

HaeSoo nodded accepting the fact that they would have to finish the project another time and that she would have to keep working with Jimin just a bit longer.


HaeSoo looked down as she walked with a bit of fear in her. It was quite scary walking on the streets when it's dark, but luckily she was with Jimin, so it wasn't as scary. Soon enough, the dark street had a little light showing. Both HaeSoo and Jimin looked up to see where the light was coming from, it was the 24-hour opened convenient store.

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