Chapter 13

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"Hyung!" Jimin yelled across the hallway as he ran up to Hoseok.

Jimin walked up to him calling Hoseok multiple times but he just wouldn't turn around. When Jimin had finally arrived at his Hyung, he tapped his shoulder finally grabbing Hoseok's attention.

"Hey, I've been calling you since I spotted you," Jimin said as Hoseok finally turned around facing him. Hoseok was wearing a black hoodie and he seemed pale. He seemed to have eye bags, probably from lack of sleep, and his lips seemed dry. Jimin's gaze soon averted from Hoseok's face towards his hands which seemed to be trembling. "What's wrong? Why are you trembling?"

Jimin began to turn worried as he placed his hand on Hoseok's trembling ones. The hooded boy immediately pushed Jimin's hand away from him and shoved them into his pockets trying to hide them. Hoseok let his dry lips curve up into a smile as he slid his hood off his head. "I'm fine, Jimin. I just haven't been sleeping much."

Jimin stared at his friend for a while before brushing off Hoseok's weird behaviour. "I wanted you to know that you were right about HaeSoo."

"I am?" Hoseok asked as he confusingly stared at Jimin.

"Yup. I found out that her parents were murdered and I'm guessing it has something to do with her going mute." Jimin explained while whispering trying to keep HaeSoo's past a secret. "And apparently, the murderer still hasn't been found yet."

"That's it?"

Jimin nodded. "Unfortunately, HaeSoo doesn't trust me enough to reveal the whole story. But, we had our little moments, so we're getting close." The young boy smirked as he looked up to Hoseok.

Hoseok immediately glared at Jimin wanting to give him a light hit on the back of his head to try and knock some sense into him. "Come on, Jimin. She isn't one of your little toys that you can just flirt around with whenever you want. Even though she can't speak her feelings, she still has a heart."

"Okay, wow calm down, Hyung. I won't hurt her. What's gotten into you?" Jimin asked a bit confused in Hoseok's sudden change in character.

Hoseok looked down as he put his hood back on hiding a part of his face. "It's because I somehow understand how hard things can be. Although she can't speak, her faces show it all once you stare at it long enough." Hoseok paused and then sighed."The feeling of guilt." He mumbled before walking away leaving Jimin confused.


History class had begun and the teacher asked the students to work on their projects. HaeSoo was sharing her desk with Jimin while JiYoo, the girl sitting next to HaeSoo, was sharing her desk with HyunJae.

HaeSoo was quietly sitting at her desk writing the information she found from her textbook. The moment she looked up to check if Jimin was working, she saw him staring at her with intensity. He kept on staring while HaeSoo awkwardly sat there looking left and right asking herself what was so interesting for Jimin to act this way.

Soon enough, the creepy intense staring stopped once Jimin felt something hit the back of his neck. "Ow!" He groaned. He looked down to see what weapon was used to hurt him and found a wooden pencil.

"Oooooh! Perfect landing!" HyunJae said as Jimin turned around. "Hey, Jimin. Quit staring at her and start working will you?"

Jimin glared at HyunJae while she laughed. He then returned to his original position and looked at HaeSoo who seemed confused. "Hoseok hyung said that if you stare at someone's face long enough, you can tell how they feel. But I don't get it."

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