Chapter 33

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You're Mine

"Um, what?" HyunJae spoke as she looked from Taehyung to Jimin multiple times. It was Saturday afternoon and Jimin had just returned from the police station. He actually went over to HaeSoo's house but coincidentally met Taehyung and HyunJae there. The three teens were now standing in front of HaeSoo's doorstep staring at each other in confusion. "What are you guys doing here?" HyunJae finally asked.

"I'm here to spend the day with HaeSoo." Jimin quickly replied. "No, I'm hanging out with HaeSoo today." Taehyung talked back to Jimin. "Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but I'm pretty sure HaeSoo would much rather hang out with me," Jimin replied to Taehyung making him scoff. "Let me remind you that it is because of me that you guys are practically a thing."

HyunJae sighed and facepalmed herself listening to the two boys bickering. "Look, I'm the one who's hanging out with her today. So you guys can stop your little bickering and have some fun elsewhere." Both Jimin and Taehyung looked at HyunJae. "And what's the difference between HaeSoo hanging out with you than one of us?" Jimin asked. "Well for one, I'm a girl, It's called girl time. Also, we texted and said we'de hang today because she needs some time away from two certain boys." HyunJae eyed both Jimin and Taehyung.

"What's wrong with us?" Taehyung asked. "Well you remind her of her past and you make her feel all weird inside. She needs time for herself and that is away from you two." HyunJae replied. "Wait, HaeSoo talks about me?" Jimin asked. "And me too?" Taehyung asked right after Jimin. HyunJae rolled her eyes and pushed the two boys to the side before ringing the doorbell.

The door opened and HaeSoo walked out completely confused seeing Taehyung and Jimin at the door. "Don't worry, they're just creeps waiting at your door. C'mon let's go." HyunJae grabbed HaeSoo's wrist and began to pull her into a walk leaving Jimin and Taehyung at the doorstep.

"They really just left us here," Jimin said in disbelief. "Hey, wanna follow them?" Taehyung said making a weird face while smiling. "No, HyunJae would kill us if she found out." Jimin was quick to reply making Taehyung pout. "Oh, c'mon. We need to be extra careful. Besides, don't you want to know what they'll say about us?" Jimin hesitated a bit before sighing and nodding. "Fine, but if we get caught, you're the one to blame for," Jimin said making Taehyung smile mischievously. "Don't worry, we won't get caught."


"And how is this supposed to help?" Jimin asked as he walked out of the store with Taehyung. They were both wearing caps and masks covering their faces. "This way HaeSoo and HyunJae won't recognize us," Taehyun replied while Jimin strongly disagreed. "I think it just makes us look more suspicious," Jimin said while Taehyung walked ahead. "Where were they going again?" Jimin asked as he ran up to Taehyung who had suddenly stopped walking. He looked up to the building they had stopped at and smiled behind his mask. "They went to Bangtan Cafe."

Taehyung and Jimin stood in front of the store for a while before finally making the decision of entering. The first people they recognized was HaeSoo and HyunJae because they were sitting at the table right next to the entrance. Afraid they would get recognized, the two suspicious-looking teens quickly walked to the table situated at the back of the cafe.

The cafe didn't seem crowded but there were still many customers. The fact that there were a few customers just made it look like Jimin and Taehyung weren't suspicious at all. Things had gone smoothly, that is until one of the maids, Lee So-ra, had noticed the two guys just sitting there. "So, what are you two suspicious young men doing here without ordering anything?"

Jimin looked up and Taehyung gulped knowing they were in trouble. "We're just, normal young boys having a nice talk at a nice table." Jimin hesitantly yet smoothly answered. So-ra scoffed and slammed her hands on the table, making both Jimin and Taehyung jump in fear. "Oh, please! My closest friend is a detective and I've dealt with an imposter! Do you really think you could get passed me?"

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