Chapter 32

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For You

"Are you okay? Please, next time tell me when you're leaving to do stuff like this..."

Those words kept repeating in HaeSoo's head. She knew Jimin was being sincere but she had never seen him be so affectionate towards her. She began to think that maybe Jimin's feelings were actually real.

HaeSoo turned her head to see Jimin sitting beside her. They were both in Detective Kim's car on their way home. HaeSoo softly smiled seeing that Jimin had fallen asleep. Memories of him doing all those protective and meaningful things began to invade her mind as her eyes stared at the soundly sleeping Jimin. Her heart began to accept his true feelings the longer she gazed at him.

HaeSoo slowly scooted herself beside Jimin. Her hand reached out to his and locked their fingers together. Her heart began to beat quickly at the touch but she remained calm. She soon placed her head on Jimin's shoulder who was still in deep sleep. Her eyes closed as she felt his warmth in the palm of her hands. She soon found herself drifting into a deep sleep herself.


Jimin's eyes slowly opened awakening from his sleep. The first thing he noticed was the weight he felt on his shoulder. He turned his head around to see HaeSoo comfortably sleeping on his shoulder. He then looked down to his lap and saw his hand locked with HaeSoo's. A smile began to appear on his face realizing that HaeSoo had finally started to show her feelings.

"We're here," SungWoo spoke as he stopped the car in front of HaeSoo's house. "HaeSoo-" he turned around to see Jimin signalling him to be silent. He pointed his head towards HaeSoo who was sleeping on his shoulder making SungWoo nod. "I'm gonna wait outside, don't do anything to her," SungWoo whispered before getting out the car.

Jimin slowly looked down at HaeSoo and moved out a part of her hair that was covering her face. "HaeSoo..." he softly spoke. He then tilted his head down to get a better look at HaeSoo's face. "Hey, wake up." He spoke again.  Jimin broke into a wide smile seeing how cute HaeSoo was when she was deeply sleeping.

Not wanting to forget this moment, Jimin quickly took his phone out and opened its camera. He lifted his phone up and placed his head on top of HaeSoo's, pretending to be asleep. His finger soon touched the little button that made the sound of the camera shutter. The picture was taken and Jimin was happy. He took a quick look at the picture, smiled, and then saved the picture as his phone's background.

"Hey, HaeSoo. You should wake up." Jimin spoke again, this time lightly tapping on her shoulder. HaeSoo's head began to move feeling Jimin tapping her shoulder. She made a tired type of sound before slowly lifting her head off of Jimin's shoulder. She began to rub her eyes as they lowly began to adjust to her surroundings.

"Sleep well?" Jimin asked making HaeSoo turn her head around and face him. Her eyes were now wide open seeing Jimin's face so close to hers. She quickly turned her head down out of embarrassment making Jimin smile. He lifted up the hand that was holding on to HaeSoo's to show her that they had been holding hands for a while. "I'm glad you grew closer to me." HaeSoo soon realized that she had been holding Jimin's hand and quickly let go. She scooted herself towards the car door and opened it. "Good night," Jimin said before letting HaeSoo walk out.


"Jimin? What are you doing here?" Asked Detective Kim. It was a Saturday morning and out of all places Jimin could go, he went to the police station. "I want to see him," Jimin said as SungWoo made a confused expression while staring at the determined teenager. "See who?"Jimin sighed loudly and looked back up at Detective Kim. "Jung Byung-Hoon." SungWoo looked away finding it unbelievable that Jimin came all this way for this. "Jimin, he has nothing to do with you. Go home and enjoy your weekend." SungWoo spoke as he turned around and began to walk away.

"He followed HaeSoo and I. He tried to hurt HaeSoo, but I'm the one who ended with a scar on the cheek." Detective Kim stopped walking and turned around. His eyes immediately directed towards Jimin's cheek with a plaster on it. "Now tell me, does this really have nothing to do with me?" Detective Kim sighed while closing his eyes, taking his time to think. His eyes slowly opened to look at Jimin who showed the expression of anger. "Fine. Follow me." Detective Kim spoke as Jimin nodded.

Jimin followed SungWoo who was passing by different police officers and a few detectives. They soon entered a door that directly brought them to a small hallway with different doors. Each door had an individual police cell in which arrested criminals were kept in for a limited time of 24 hours. Each and every prisoner inside those cells were those who were under investigation or still haven't been in court.

"Stay close and don't touch any of the doors," SungWoo said making Jimin nod and obey. Jimin followed SungWoo's steps until he finally stopped at one of the doors. With his key, he carefully unlocked the door. The doorknob twisted open as they both entered.

Inside was revealed a prison cell. It was a typical prison cell; bars keeping the criminal from leaving, a not so comfortable bed to sleep on, and a toilet on the side. Inside that prison cell was Jung Byung-Hoon. He was sitting there fiddling his thumbs as if he was going crazy sitting in that small space. Byung-Hoon looked up hearing Jimin and SungWoo enter. "Ah, a visitor." He spoke.

Byung-Hoon smiled at Jimin. "Park Jimin, what an unexpected visit." Jimin scoffed. "Not as unexpected as finding out your secret," spoke Jimin. Byung-Hoon looked up at SungWoo while widely smirking. "So you've heard about my illegal weapon selling?" Jimin approached the cell and wrapped his hands around its bars. It was close enough for Jimin to look into Byung-hoon's eyes.

"No wonder your gaze seemed familiar at the time. Your eyes look just like Hoseok's." Jimin spoke. "But his eyes don't have the sparks of a criminal." Jimin let go of the bars and backed away. Byung-hoon stood up from the bed and walked over to the bars now his hands holding on to them. "Just you wait, Park Jimin. Hoseok will turn his back on you and follow my steps."

Jimin turned around and shoved his hands in his pockets. "He wouldn't do that if he called the police on you." He spoke as he signalled Detective Kim that it was time to leave. Byung-Hoon was still holding onto to the prison cell bars shocked that his own son had called the police on him. He began to bang on the prison cell, anger taking over his body. "What the hell, Park Jimin?!" He yelled as SungWoo opened the door for Jimin. "My son would never turn his back on me! Get my son here this instant!" SungWoo glanced at Byung-Hoon one more time before walking out himself. "Detective Kim! Get my son on the phone!" was the last thing he heard before closing the door to the cell room.

I'm soooooooooooo sorry! I haven't posted for a whole week! I'm really sorry! I know it's summer and I should be posting more often, but it's because my ideas just come at the most random times!

I could spend a whole two weeks with no ideas at all and then one day at 2am I'll have like this super great idea for a chapter. So please bare with me!

I'll try to post more often if I can!

Thanks for understanding!

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Thank you for reading!

See yaaaaa


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