Chapter 5 ~ BabySitting

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I manage to get downstairs. I nearly trip over my own feet a few times but I don't fall.

I get to the living room and all the boys stare at me. I notice everyone is there, except Zed.

"What's wrong?" Cole ask's

"This" I say, holding up the note

"Who's that from?" Max ask's as he stands up

"Just read it" I hand it over to Max

Max reads it and he looks angrier than ever

"I'm going to murder him! How did he even find out about you?" Max's voice booms loud and clear

I look over at Payton and Liam

"H- he... he came to see me in school" I stutter

"HE WHAT?!?" Max shouts

"Lower your voice!" I tell him before snatching the note out of his hands and shoving it into my pocket

"What are we going to do about him?" Payton asks nervously

"We are going to pay him a visit" Max responds

"Don't do anything stupid!" I cut in

As we are yelling at each other, Zed walks down the stairs. Max's attention shoots to Zed

"Zed, look after Maddie while we are gone" Max demands before they all get up and leave

Zed looks at me and groans. He steps closer to me

"Where are they going?" He questions

"To teach someone a lesson" I answer



"CHASE?" He repeats my words


His eyes narrow on me

Oh god

"So I'm stuck babysitting" he scoffs

"You don't have to" I say as I grab my jacket

Just before I get out the door, I'm thrown over Zed's shoulder and carried back to the sofa. He sits me down and I glare at him

"I'm not letting you out of this house" he claims

"Oh really" I smirk "is that a challenge?"

"No, it's not—"

I don't let him finish his sentence before I run to the door and start running down the street. He chases after me

"MADDIE GET BACK HERE!" He shouts behind me

"NO! GO HOME" I yell back


"YOUR SO SLOW" I laugh

He catches up to me. He stops me and we both stare into each other's eyes. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, my eyes do the same.

But just as we were going to lean in to kiss, we hear a sound coming from what seems like our house.

"What was that?" He asks with his head turning back towards the house

"I think it came from our place" I answer

"Shit" he swears under his breath

He throws me over his shoulder again! I bang my fists on his back but it seems to have no effect on him, he ignores it and starts running back to our house.

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